Praha, Czech republic

I've recently rewritten my old imfplay .IMF/.DRO project from scratch (in C):

It's great for neat visualizations and reverse engineering instruments and sound effects, as it allows you to play the files at slower speeds, and also to mute individual OPL2 channels on the fly!

The muting feature is demonstrated at the beginning of this video:

(this is the old QBasic version, but muting works in the 2.xx releases too!)

download the latest version here:


That's pretty awesome! great composition too. I'll try it out on my OPL3.

Praha, Czech republic
Noplanet wrote:

That's pretty awesome! great composition too.

I only wish that track were mine, I just used it to demonstrate the program. Great drums in there!

Noplanet wrote:

I'll try it out on my OPL3.

Well, that'd be great. Despite having about three different working 386/486 PCs around here, I've yet to test this on actual hardware. :]
If you do, can you please also post your configuration?