After scrawling through CD's, the internet and old file storages I'm in search for an old early track I wrote around 2006/7 called 'Explode'. I uploaded it onto 8bit collective too.
I was just looking to add it to my personal backlog of tracks made though realised I hadn't saved it or could find it anywhere.
I remember why at the time I mustn't have backed it up, because around that same time 8bc was a solid site (wasn't expecting it to go down) It's only dawned on me now that you can't actually access the site or old tracks from 8bc.
I've seen a few threads on here where people have been trying to get old tracks from 8bc. Is 8bc coming back or is it possible to extract mp3 data somehow from the site?
Or maybe someone might've backed up all the songs of 8bc onto a torrent?
It may be uncertain that I can ever find that track though out of chance If someone there has the track stored somewhere feel free to send it to explosive_amp(at)hotmai(dot)co(dot)uk
Last edited by CS (Aug 29, 2014 1:57 am)