I need to get my c64 out of its box again... right now lack of space is making it all a bit difficult, but I'm getting there!
Anyway I agree, Sidwizard really rocks (kudos @hermit!)! What would make it even better for me is a HerMIDI interface, anybody know if some people sell those built? DIY is a bit difficult for me atm...
Oh and another question, did anybody ever make a cheatsheet thing for SIDwizard?
yeah, have a look at this:
the sidwizard user manual has also several tables for helping to compose with it.
@garvalf: thanks a lot! Just what I was looking for!
but you're welcome @rumpelfilter !
From the same author, don't miss this excellent manual as well: http://csdb.dk/release/?id=129032
It really helped me to get into SidWizard!
Oh yeah! Thanks again! I've got two albums to finish right now... the next one might be one made with SIDwizard!
All I want to know is, is it SID2SID compatible? If not, I gotta stick with MSSIAH.
A new version was born. Beside fixes I implemented some features that were requested.
You can try whether the MIDI-sync and start/stop is more usable than before. Unfortunately I had no setup to test it, but it should work, at least it worked in VICE emulator with virtual MIDI-port to/from MIDItrk.
See changelog.txt in 'manuals' folder for more information on new features...
Since Kerberos is no more, would Sid Wizard work with Easy Flash 3 or 1545 Ultimate II+ alongside HerMIDI?
I have neither of those cartridges so this will probably be answered by someone else. (I have Turbo Chameleon which works fine.)
Though I think it should work with any cartridge that has the standard LOAD/SAVE KERNAL entry points. If that doesn't work you can try the SID-Wizard version (with postfix -KERNALload) which forces the traditional ROM LOAD/SAVE entries.
Of course you need an Y-split serial cable for 1541U if it occupies the C64 serial port and doesn't have another receptacle to put HerMIDI in with daisy chaining method.
Last edited by hermit (Jun 8, 2018 4:53 pm)
I can absolutely agree with the thread. SW is an awesome tool. It can do everything well you suspect and some more you don't.
Last edited by NecroPolo (Sep 3, 2018 2:58 pm)
There's a few SID-Wizard capture on my channel:
They are not tutorials, but music playback with some additional information about each in the very bottom line of the video.
I can recommend VICE2.4 with 8580 (1489) emulation, it's a very accurate reproduction of the 8580' sound.
Also, there are numerous solutions like SIDBlaster USB where you can simply connect a SID chip to you PC via USB.
So maybe you don't have to have a real C64 but a SID only and it's still possible to compose and listen to some music - not SID-Wizard only but basically anything.
SID-Wizard external sync
Here I want to share with you more information on the SID-Wizard external sync
cheers, M64