This software is strange, it's one of the most user-friendly when it concerns instruments creations, in comparison to other chiptune soundtrackers (like maxymizer), with every thing graphical. But on the other hand the tracking part is sometimes counter intuitive, with some buttons with no label. I still don't understand what are the "keys" boxes in the bottom right corner. It seems it's related to the instruments but what is the use of it?
I can't find a decent manual, the readme is only a changelog with only a few tips for how to use it.
Here are some notes I've made about it, if you want to give it a try:
For editing a track, type the "end" key on your keyboard, then you'll enter edit mode. The editable track will get a green vertical line across it.
You have 2 tracks for playing digi-sounds (samples). You can load and save sample with the "SAM" option on the top left box. When you have a sample, you can switch between synth-sounds (chiptune) and digi-sounds with the blue-green "s" or "d" button on the columns between tracks.
Synth-sounds will get C--1 D--1 ... D--2 notations, while Digi-sounds will get a sample icon with a number after it so you'll easily recognise them.The magenta button on the far right (below "sound edit" button) is for muting notes while you're playing them (it's pretty useless in my opinion).
The three columns under the "sound edit" button are for sound level of each track. You can also mute tracks by clicking on them (they will get a magenta rectangle around them).
I don't know what the keys buttons under the sound level columns are for.
When in sound edit mode, you can get the SID option by right-clicking on the SID button.
You can create an instrument with a long sound waveform and a short noise at the beginning by selecting "sound", shaping the wave, then select the little "n" below and define a short length with the LEN box.
Last edited by garvalf (May 21, 2015 12:13 pm)