
Id like to meet NYC tongue

Rice Lake, WI

I miss 2bros pizza smile

George wrote:

Blue Point Toasted Lager.

OK, now I miss NYC.

Think ill head down the street and get a fresh growler for this PW of blue point smile

Washington DC
calmdownkidder wrote:

I miss NYC too

^ Me everyday.

invaderbacca wrote:
George wrote:

Blue Point Toasted Lager.

OK, now I miss NYC.

Think ill head down the street and get a fresh growler for this PW of blue point smile

Do you mean "jug of beer?" Because that's what a "growler" is. A jug of beer.

To quote Alfred Molina as Mark Rothko in Red: "Don't be precise, be exact."


I'm going to be in NYC from the 1st to the 17th... crazy busy with work probably but if anyone wants to grab a beer at some point let me know ... will mainly be around Soho area... not that I know where that is but thats where the office / apartment of my company is hah!


I guess, having never visited, I can't say whether I'd miss New York. What's there that's awesome? Besides beer, because I cannot drink. And pizza, because I already know about it.