
Thank you both, completely get what you are saying, problem still being my XP and apparent non-compatibility with Github. I'll start editing code on my Win8 Laptop so you should see my code on Github soon enough. Until then, here is my latest iteration. Full SRAM port, Auto load, load and save both pattern and songs.

There is still code in there I need to pull out and also code that needs updating.

Please test out the SRAM implementation and let me know if I have missed anything.

Next update will be MIDI control of the 3 pot controls.


I had one hiccup with SRAM, but after formatting it using the internal format option, everything is working GREAT!!! big_smile


Thanks for the bug report! I'll look into the auto Format routine upon bad SRAM detection tonight. It is implemented but must be a loose branch in there somewhere.


Keep the great updates coming!

Last edited by Jazzmarazz (Jul 6, 2015 3:23 am)


Heard the ROM didn't work on the Derp, fixed up the ROM header so that should be all good now. Also removed a lot of the Pot code, just referenced to 3 ROM locations now. Once I get a sample of the 3 bytes the ArduinoBoy sends out I can finish off the serial handler routine to populate these three ROM locations and we'll have ourselves an external Pot controlled GB303 that will run from your average Flash Cart.

Latest Iteration here:

Sorry, no github yet. I'm using what scraps of spare time I find to work on the coding.

Can anyone tell me the 3 bytes the Arduinoboy sends the gameboy on a CC instruction via the MIDI interface? Otherwise I need to order an arduino and throw one together - could take a few weeks from China...

BennVenn wrote:

Can anyone tell me the 3 bytes the Arduinoboy sends the gameboy on a CC instruction via the MIDI interface? Otherwise I need to order an arduino and throw one together - could take a few weeks from China...

In what mode are you asking?


Remember that box I never sent you? I'll throw my arduinoboy in there too (although you should be able to find the bytes in the source code)

Abandoned on Fire
Jazzmarazz wrote:

Remember that box I never sent you? I'll throw my arduinoboy in there too (although you should be able to find the bytes in the source code)

I have a spare Nanoloop midi adapter I can send you as well if that would be helpful.

cyberic wrote:
BennVenn wrote:

Can anyone tell me the 3 bytes the Arduinoboy sends the gameboy on a CC instruction via the MIDI interface? Otherwise I need to order an arduino and throw one together - could take a few weeks from China...

In what mode are you asking?

It should be all in:
Mode_MidiGb.ino …


mGB mode i suppose.

Yes, the string is in the source though I am not fluent in Arduino. I can see exactly what the code is doing with the incoming MIDI instruction but I don't have the Arduino IDE installed and really cant be bothered looking through all those ino files to find the defines for all the various bit masks that are used throughout.

Something as simple as adding printf(midiData[n]); after each sendByteToGameboy(midiData[n]); would do the trick. I just don't have an arduino handy, or optocouplers or din sockets. If you have an Arduinoboy and the IDE installed could someone dump the 3 bytes to the serial port and post them here?

Once I get the string (well, only really need the first byte as the other two are passed through without modification) I can add a filter to the serial handler in gb303 and it'll be finished and I can start working on the bug fixes.

Thankyou for the offer egr but I am all the way down in Australia and economy shipping would take as long as if I put an order in from China. Hopefully someone can add those 3 debug lines to the sketch and post the results?

Jazz, that would be appreciated!!!!!!


I could try to add the printf, but I don't know where the string will be displayed...

Benn, you arent fluent in Arduino, but you easily write asm....
So funny :-)


Should be displayed in the Arduino 'terminal' or even open hyperterminal (Do they still ship that with the later windows releases?) and see it in there.

It may not even be printf... I just assume it is as its C based. I'll give it a Google.

I used an Arduino once for a project at work, I disliked everything about it, the syntax, the libraries, no branching, code size and the speed it executes your code at. It takes what is a competent microcontroller and reduces it down to a black box with a weak, slow and limited instruction set. Just my opinion.


Confirmed the rom works great on a Drag-N-Derp.  You fixed whatever issue there was in saving patterns and loading patterns big_smile


I think the instruction would be something like Serial.print(midiData[1], HEX);

That should print out the value of midiData[1] as a hex number in the terminal


any idea what sample rate/bit rate the samples are in? It would be intersting to try and replace them with other complex waves.


I'll take a look for you tonight. I remember it being defined in one of the modules if you want to take a look