We just released Baby Pterodactyl, a compilation full of (mostly) exclusive tracks from a stellar lineup. Enjoy! Really happy with this one.
1. Lush - Alex Mauer
2. Couch Sleeper - (T-T)b
3. Forest of the Parasitic Fungus - Norrin_Radd
4. Overworld 1 - lpower
5. Hangover Apocalypse - Please Lose Battle
6. Karakuri Night - TQ-Jam
7. My Will Be Done - EvilWezil
8. Meadows of a Dilapidated Utopia - Fragger2040
9. Sonic 2 Epilepsy - arcadecoma.
10. Alien Hand Grenade - ChasingBleeps
11. BRK TST - Galaxy Wolf
12. Βάζει ο Ντούτσε τη power-up στολή του - Videogame Orchestra
13. Nothing Can Be Fixed Here. God, Burn! (live at MAGFest) - Marshall Art
14. PS - Cooshinator
"This compilation is a celebration of the diversity and quality that's to be found within the chipscene these days. There are artists who've released on the Squad in the past, as well as friends, both old and new, and it all adds up to a phenomenally rad album!"