I'm not sure I agree about the superior products out there... excluding the diy midibox stuff out there I think there's just Therapsid which is awesome, but really more catered to live performance. At this point I've decided I'm just going to get an actual C64 and the MSSIAH cart.
Can't go wrong with the MSSIAH cart, that thing is amazing.
Sorry I can't support you financially right now, as I do think this is a good project... but I fear with the VST support situation you're in a bit of a catch-22
That's just about it. Should I have a functioning VST already this would be a whole different scenario.
I've gone too far and really want to push this thing through so I've decided to make the proto-run with my own money. That will eventually settle the question whether the VST is possible. There's also the possibility that this yet untested design is faulty and can be just a waste of both time and money but as long this doesn't bankrupt me I think I'm fine... a guy's gotta have a hobby, right?
Should the design work as expected I could maybe sell these prototypes exclusively via chipmusic.org and should the VST become reality, I can easily make a larger production run... wish me luck.