Lake Titicaca

Plogue chipsounds looks and sounds awesome.

I was about to buy it but it was £75.60!

considering korg gadget is 29.99 and ids10 is 12.99...

The price should be £25, but I would still buy it for £40.

Don't you think VSTi can be so overpriced these days?


You're missing the point of it. What you're paying for is all the research it takes to rather precisely replicate the sound of various consoles. It's for the purists. If this is not important for you, you could use the squarewave oscillator of any free VST for instant chiptune.


I don't.

Lake Titicaca

well, aly james fmdrive is also the same kind of research to rather precisely replicate the sound of ym2612 chip and he only wants a $10 donation!


I thought it was quite steep when I got it to be honest. Or at least at the time, it was a "commitment" (broke-ass artstudent lol). But now in hindsight it was just the right price for how much I use that damn thing. There are some features I really miss, like being able to automate BPM base(if it exists i'll be very happy, i have not been able to yet) for the arpeggio, since you can change it dynamically whilst playing anyway? what's the problem?

But yeah totally worth it on my part.

Aly James makes terrific VSTs! smile I have his super PSG, VLinn 1 and 2 and FM drive. really missing 64 bit versions of those though...

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

well, aly james fmdrive is also the same kind of research to rather precisely replicate the sound of ym2612 chip and he only wants a $10 donation!

that does ONE chip. how many does chipsounds do? and how much would the hardware and software to use those chips cost? i'd say it's a fair price, plenty of less versatile synth vsts cost more than it does

Lake Titicaca

Lets say one chip's price is ten dollars (as in fmdrive) then yeah I suppose that price kinda works out.

On their website it says authentically emulates 15 vintage 8-bit era sound chips (on top of their variants).

Then again computer music magazine just gave away a whole analogue modelled modular synth vsti called bastille for free in this issue...

@sweden: Good to get a heads up that its actually useful and worth the price...might get it in a couple of months. Maybe I'll try super PSG first tho...cos its sega master system...sega was always better.

But I would like to add that regarding the pricing of VSTi, sometimes it not what a VSTi is worth that matters but rather how the developer can move the most units (make the most sales) in the fastest possible time (during the hype phase) in order to maximise profit, which can be used to pay programmers for the next project....personally, I would buy plogue chipsounds today if it was £25, tomorrow if it was £40, but as it stands at £75.60 I'm thinking...yeah...maybe in a couple of months.

Last edited by JaffaCakeMexica (Jun 29, 2016 6:29 pm)


Solar System

It depends from where are you. When in your country is salary like 600-700Euro than 80Euro is high price for you.
You must buy food, pay apartment, mobile, internet, fuel for car... But Plogue is very nice piece of software. Lot of soundchips.
When you imagine how many hours coders must study those soundchips and analyse them with specialized HW.
So it is not so high price for that VST...

Last edited by Matej (Jun 29, 2016 7:33 pm)

Lake Titicaca
Matej wrote:

It depends from where are you. When in your country is salary like 600-700Euro than 80Euro is high price for you.
You must buy food, pay apartment, mobile, internet, fuel for car... But Plogue is very nice piece of software. Lot of soundchips.
When you imagine how many hours coders must study those soundchips and analyse them with specialized HW.
So it is not so high price for that VST...

Agreed. You understand well my problem with this pricing.

If plogue is out there I'd like you to add a haggle button...I'll give you £25 for it.


Last edited by JaffaCakeMexica (Jun 29, 2016 7:44 pm)

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

@sweden: Good to get a heads up that its actually useful and worth the price...might get it in a couple of months. Maybe I'll try super PSG first tho...cos its sega master system...sega was always better.

It depends on what you're looking for, again. I didn't pay for my license, so I can't say from the bottom of my heart that it's absolutely worth $75. (And no, I didn't pirate it. I got my license for free since I was a beta tester. smile ) It does what it says on the box, which may or may not be what you want.

JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

But I would like to add that regarding the pricing of VSTi, sometimes it not what a VSTi is worth that matters but rather how the developer can move the most units (make the most sales) in the fastest possible time (during the hype phase) in order to maximise profit

That's an interesting economic point. It might be possible that they would get more than double the number of users if they halved the price (say) but it may have unintended consequences. The lower you set the price, the more likely you are to attract bottom-feeders who are not really interested in the software. And all of a sudden you have a bunch of silly support questions. I only wanted to make this one SID sound. How do I make this sound? This program is too complex. Can't you make it simpler? Why is the sound so clicky? On second thought, I want something that sounds GOOD not something that sounds realistic. Can I have my money back, please? And so on. A high price can actually be a benefit because it makes the demand for the program self-limiting to those who are genuinely interested in what it has to offer. The high volume proposition works very well for someone making plastic doodads to be sold in supermarkets, but not for every product.

Lake Titicaca

Well, if you cant say from the bottom of your heart that its absolutely worth $75, then if you had paid $102 for it you might think it was a bit steep.

76.00 GBP = 102.138 USD

As for the last paragraph of your post, I couldnt agree more. In these last few years Ive seen a lot of software companies putting out dumbed down stuff that gives noobs instant gratification...take auxy for example...Its a nice simple interface and a good design but when it comes down to it you can't really initialize the synths and start sound designing from scratch. They release preset packs in which some sound designer has done a sound and the only things you can tweak are the macros that those sound designers chose.

Last edited by JaffaCakeMexica (Jun 29, 2016 9:29 pm)

United States
JaffaCakeMexica wrote:

Then again computer music magazine just gave away a whole analogue modelled modular synth vsti called bastille for free in this issue...

The version of Bazille that comes with the $15-20 magazine is stripped of a bunch of features. The full software is $129.

chipsounds has a demo on their website so you can try it out for free.

Brunswick, GA USA

Keep in mind that a few days ago, Plogue Chipsounds didn't cost £75. You chose that by failing to thwart Brexit.

Though I don't mean to get too geopolitical, the truth is you are under the influence of current events and your sense of value of anything is skewed until further notice.

I appreciate what Plogue creates, though for all the drama it's made I wish he hadn't gotten involved in the ALYS project.

Last edited by chunter (Jun 29, 2016 10:45 pm)


If its too expensive for you dont buy it, and please dont come hear to complain about your financial hardships.
I hardly see how $100 is steep for a program that you can use for hundreds if not thousands of hours.


Plogue Chipsounds is not too expensive.