Glasgow, Scotland.

Back in March I released my first album in years, composed on LSDJ, and mainly using a Game Boy for the core sound (but with some added guitars/vocals and synthy bits). The original thread is here: … -w-vocals/

After it was done, I hunted around and asked some musicians I know if they would be up for coming up with their own vocals for some of the tracks, to give them a different perspective and breathe a bit of life into them. I ended up with 6 tracks - the vocals coming from folk that had mostly never heard of chiptune, never mind sang on anything like that before.

The results were really cool, particularly the opener. It was awesome to see what musicians from different backgrounds and disciplines brought to the table. There's everything from singy bits to spoken word.

I've released it as an EP, which you can find here:

It'll be on Spotify in a week or so as well, and if you are interested in a bit more about who contributed, there's a post here with the details:

Hope you like!

Last edited by unexpectedbowtie (Aug 4, 2016 11:20 am)