So, the other night, I was playing with my beloved C64 and it just died on me. Screen went dark. Power light went of. Then about five seconds later it sprang back to life. Before that, I did noticed that Cynthcart was sounding a little strange - like some of the filters weren't working quite right. Next, I loaded up a game and sure enough, about 15 minutes later it died again. Now I'm worried.
My first guess is just a bad SID - wouldn't be the first time. I've got two SwinSID Ultimate's pre-ordered so I'm covered there. What my question is, besides recapping (which I am now planning on) what else should I do? What about replacing the ICs like the PLA and VIC-2 or the ram? I know that there is a Diagnostic cart that requires a harness to test. Is there any reliable testing program without a harness that will tell me exactly what's wrong? I'm planning on installing heatsyncs as in hopes that no (more) chips fail. Could there be a problem with power supply? Uhg, I just want her shiny, new and pumping out tunes with MSSIAH.
Sorry, I know there's a lot of info I'm asking for so let me try to organize it a bit better:
- If I'm going through the trouble of recapping what else should I do in regards to safety, longevity and SID performance?
- Is there anything I should know about recapping? I've heard different ICs need different caps.
- What about replacing ICs? Is there any way to know if they've failed without a diagnostic? What diagnostic should I used? Do I need a harness?
- Should I replace the power supply?
Well, thanks for reading. Any advice is humbly appreciated.