So, after five or six years of recording electronic music purely in a 'studio' fashion, I'm going to bite the bullet and start playing live.
At the start, I am going for a minimal, portable setup - two DMGs, with an iRig mixer so there's minimal changeover time between songs. Something like this:
The question is... there are some tracks where I'd like to beat-match and transition over a bit more seamlessly between songs. I know the tapping A trick, but I'm struggling with how to synch the two Game Boys. For example...
* I set the green DMG to Master, and the white DMG to Slave, and start both playing. The Green DMG goes first.
* Song on green DMG finishes. I beatmatch the white DMG, and then slide it over so that the white DMG is now playing through the output. All good.
* I go to load the next song file on the green DMG - at this point I lose synchronisation between the two.
How do I get around that problem? From reading, it seems like other people have different methods. Any tips?