
So yesterday I got myself a power supply for my DMG to save some batteries. It worked fine and I was also happy to see that it got rid of the contrast fluctuation in LSDJ on my backlit console.

Today I wanted to take my DMG out, however, and I put some batteries in it. Then I came back to my desk and thought "well, I might just leave the batteries in" and plugged in the power supply cord. Turned on LSDJ and during a few seconds I watched how the screen gradually turned darker until it was pitch-black and a narrow strand of black smoke came out. Quickly took out the batteries and tested with the power supply only. The power light comes on, but the screen remains black.

Now I'm waiting to see what the fumes I inhaled will cause. I feel a bit dizzy, but it might also be due to the head-banging caused by the realisation of the fact that I destroyed my Gameboy. I have a Gameboy no more. No LSDJ tonight. sad

So what exactly got scorched in there? The backlit biverted screen? Is there some way to save the DMG?

Austin, TX

Where did you get the power supply from?


The magic smoke can only help your music, dont worry.


Got the power supply from here: … c-original

herr_prof, I wish the next time the magic smoke comes to help me I'll still have a functionable DMG in my hands! wink

Brunswick, GA USA

JRobert wrote:

So what exactly got scorched in there? The backlit biverted screen? Is there some way to save the DMG?

If there's smoke there's fire right? Is there some scorch-mark or something in there somewhere? I'd look for that first, components that look sorta wonkoid/crooked/malformed. The capacitors for example. Darkspots on the PCB etc etc.

Troubleshooting that could be pretty freaking hard though but yeah, my non-professional gut-feeling is, check to see if there's any trace at all of distress. (o_o)b