
Hey guys,

It's been a long time since i've touched any chipmusic gear but im finally back at it and i was curious about the state of LGPT in 2019...

I'm managed to get my PSP 1001 running again and surprisingly still works well with LGPT but the lack of midi really makes it hard to try and use it live with any other gear (ideally with a couple of gameboys running LSDJ synced with MIDI)

So i was wondering what would be the best device to buy that would have an easy way to sync over MIDI with lsdj gameboys (DMG gameboys)

I was thinking of building my own raspberry Pi based LGPT device but a project like that would still get quite complicated and not very gig friendly with all the wires and stuff...

Last edited by theskyis256k (Feb 4, 2019 6:27 pm)

Geneva, NY

Pretty sure one of those raspberry pi handhelds with a cheapy $5 USB MIDI cable is gonna be the best piggy MIDI setup available...

theskyis256k wrote:

Hey guys,

It's been a long time since i've touched any chipmusic gear but im finally back at it and i was curious about the state of LGPT in 2019...

I'm managed to get my PSP 1001 running again and surprisingly still works well with LGPT but the lack of midi really makes it hard to try and use it live with any other gear (ideally with a couple of gameboys running LSDJ synced with MIDI)

So i was wondering what would be the best device to buy that would have an easy way to sync over MIDI with lsdj gameboys (DMG gameboys)

I was thinking of building my own raspberry Pi based LGPT device but a project like that would still get quite complicated and not very gig friendly with all the wires and stuff...

Ive not had the money to burn, but there are lots of DIY rasberry pi handhelds you can buy now that are prebuilt. You could probably configure that to autoboot lgpt, and use any usb midi device as brady mentioned. If you are handy with linux.

herr_prof wrote:

Ive not had the money to burn, but there are lots of DIY rasberry pi handhelds you can buy now that are prebuilt. You could probably configure that to autoboot lgpt, and use any usb midi device as brady mentioned. If you are handy with linux.

Yeah ive been looking at stuff like the gameboy zero project and considering hacking my own variation of it with the parts i already have just to avoid spending some unnecesary cash.

i think the most complicated part will be to convert the buttons into keyboard presses... i shoudl test out lgpt on linux/rpi before i get into this whole ordeal i guess


Fwiw piggy can be mapped to both keyboard and joystick inputs


i managed to get lgpt running on raspbian now but i can't seem to make it fullscreen (it says to add the -fullscreen flag next to the excution command which doesn't seem to work for me)

also my audio is really distorted from both HDMI and analog outputs... I tried installing those libjack0:i386 packages but on rpi it doesn't find it, not sure what else i need to change/install/fix to get the sound to come out nicely without distortion...

im not a super expert with linux and especially when it comes to audio interfaces like pulse audio and alsa and all that jazz im very ignorant.

would love some help :3


i managed to install those packages by removing the ":i386" end of it and it worked but there was no difference in the audio... i started messing around with the config.xml file and added a buffer of 512 for the audio and that seems to have helped but still sound distorts if rpi is set at loud volume or if there's a lot of stuff going on in the song (using the 10k demo as a test song)

once i manage to get those fixed ideally id love to manage to find a way to get the lgpt program to work on start;up without any other desktop environment elements as if it's trully just running natively (no task bar or menus or window top bar)

i'm not really sure how to do any of those things on rpi since the wiki seems to be pretty light on rpi specific explanations

perhaps once i get everything going (if ever) i could maybe update the wiki to help out more rpi bravehearts

Last edited by theskyis256k (Feb 5, 2019 10:38 pm)


-use a usb sound card
- add the fullscreen arg to the comfig.xml

herr_prof wrote:

-use a usb sound card
- add the fullscreen arg to the comfig.xml

the fullscreen thing doesn't work even as an argument, but added the screen multiplier and it makes it bigger so that's a fix.

however the audio is still an issue, i tried with a usb soundcard but it doesn't really work still...


Can you post your config.xml? maybe you have bad syntax in there.

What usb sound card? Some cheap ones are SOFTWARE ONES that force the udnerpwoered pi to do some rendering, the crackling is related to cpu load.

herr_prof wrote:

Can you post your config.xml? maybe you have bad syntax in there.

What usb sound card? Some cheap ones are SOFTWARE ONES that force the udnerpwoered pi to do some rendering, the crackling is related to cpu load.

Will do that once I get home but the thing is, when I’m watching YouTube or something the sound is excellent. It’s only when I’m on LGPT that it crackles and pops even though the CPU LOAD shown on top in raspbian is very very low


Are you running piggy from the command line or from the desktop? Did you run apt-get update?

Cant compare two different apps, linux succckkks

Id suggest

-Disable booting to the Desktop but rather to the command prompt
- making sure everything is updated
- instal alsa tools if you havent
- boot the pi with the usb soundcard installed, dont add it
- and show us the config

herr_prof wrote:

Are you running piggy from the command line or from the desktop? Did you run apt-get update?

Cant compare two different apps, linux succckkks

Id suggest

-Disable booting to the Desktop but rather to the command prompt
- making sure everything is updated
- instal alsa tools if you havent
- boot the pi with the usb soundcard installed, dont add it
- and show us the config

yeah! good call on the CLI instead of the DE, worked like a charm.
I made a script to run lgpt on startup and now it works great...

However... the audio properties are still the same...

crackling frequently sometimes even slight hiccups in the timing of the sequence...

as for the audio soundcard i'm using a Presonus audiobox USB (only thing i have) it's supposed to be bus powered though...

i can't seem to get any audio out of it however... it still is stuck on the analog output.


I installed MilkyTracker on the pi to test the audio quality while playback and it's much cleaner! it seems like only lgpt has issues....

When i ran milkytracker from the cli it said

SDL: using audio driver: pulse

Meanwhile when i run lgpt it says:
RtApiAlsa::getDeviceInfo: snd_pcm_open error for device (hw:0,1), Device or resource busy

but it still plays audio but has the shitty sound.


i think i need to figure out how i can change lgpt to play using either the usb audio interface or using pulse .....

I'm not sure how i can do that.. i dont really know all the of the config options.


Here is the lgpt log file:

[CONFIG] Got config path=/home/pi/lgpt_DEB/bin/config.xml
[-D-] Audio
[AUDIO] Audio object initialised with
[AUDIO] Api:
[AUDIO] Device:
[AUDIO] Buffer size:512
[AUDIO] Pre Buffer Count:2
[AUDIO] Current API: Linux ALSA
[AUDIO] Found device hw:bcm2835 ALSA,0
[AUDIO] Found device hw:bcm2835 ALSA,1
[AUDIO] Found device
[AUDIO] Selecting: hw:bcm2835 ALSA,0
[DISPLAY] Using driver x11. Screen (1920,1080) Bpp:32
[CONFIG] Got value for SCREENMULT=4
[DISPLAY] Creating SDL Window (1280,960)
[DISPLAY] Preparing fonts
[DISPLAY] Preparing font cache
[DISPLAY] Preparing full font cache
[MIDI] 2 input port(s)
[MIDI]  Midi Through:0
[MIDI]  AudioBox USB:0
[MIDI] 2 output port(s)
[MIDI]  Midi Through:0
[MIDI]  AudioBox USB:0
[MAPPING] No (bad?) mapping file (bin:mapping.xml)
[-D-] Mapping config
[MAPPING] Attached /event/a to key:0:a
[MAPPING] Attached /event/b to key:0:s
[MAPPING] Attached /event/left to key:0:left
[MAPPING] Attached /event/right to key:0:right
[MAPPING] Attached /event/up to key:0:up
[MAPPING] Attached /event/down to key:0:down
[MAPPING] Attached /event/lshoulder to key:0:right ctrl
[MAPPING] Attached /event/rshoulder to key:0:left ctrl
[MAPPING] Attached /event/start to key:0:space
[*ERROR*] Only 8/16 bit supported
[*ERROR*] Failed to load samples kick-thump.wav
[*ERROR*] Only 8/16 bit supported
[*ERROR*] Failed to load samples kick-tape.wav
[AUDIO] RTAudio device hw:bcm2835 ALSA,0 successfully open - buffer=512
[-D-] Out initialized

Last edited by theskyis256k (Feb 7, 2019 4:17 am)

Geneva, NY

OK, two ideas:

1) Which build of piggy are you using? From that log, it looks like debian? There's a specific pi build here at the bottom with the ghettos (ALWAYS use the ghettos):
2) That being said, once you use the ghettos, different sound libs need to be installed.

sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugins:i386

And maybe you'll have to remove the ":i386" again, maybe not! This is what got it working for me on debian but I've never tried on a pi...


fwiw, there does seem to be an issue with fullscreen using jesse or newer raspbian builds. i've been trying to sort it out in the facebook group (had to finally upgrade to something newer than wheezy since i got a piTFT+ & i couldn't get that to work in wheezy). i'll probably end up going with command line/autoboot eventually myself, but it's definitely an issue for some reason (as confirmed by another user who also had trouble in raspbian stretch)