bleo wrote:Since I'm local, I can give micro-specific inputs:
Rochester's a pretty forward thinking community, also big into the arts... also big into technology. I think starting a chip night could definitely fly. RIT crowd would jack off to this stuff... actually, they have some sort of electronic music AV club that you should probably tap into. xwd actually told me about it and is a student there. You should definitely get in touch w/ him.
i don't know if rochester could support a monthly thing, at least not yet, but i definitely agree with your assessment of the city and of the RIT crowd. i think there's a lot of people here that could really get into chip music, but they just haven't been exposed to it yet.
a band mate of mine is a recent RIT grad and is on staff there currently. i'll ask him about this electronic music AV club. it sounds pretty rad. also, i had no idea xwd is in rochester. that's awesome.
bleo wrote:For years, I've thought about how chipmusic needs to infiltrate the only station that matters, WBER, but I've never done anything about it. It's a radio station that people still pay attention to to keep up with what's cool. Like MC 900 Ft. Jesus. HA!
this is an excellent idea. my girlfriend used to host a show there, years ago. i just asked her about that and she says it's hard to get a specialty show like this approved over there, especially if some unknown was hosting it, like me.
but that's no reason not to try! i'll talk about it more with her tonight and email them.
bleo wrote:On the location side of things, a venue that gets a crowd regardless of the show is really important if you want to build this thing. ie, NOT the California Brew Haus. The 3 random Kodak maintenance dudes sitting in the bar aren't gonna care or help build the Rochester chip scene. You've played the Bug Jar a few times, I'm guessing that'd be a good spot.
the bug jar is a great venue for certain kinds of shows. people go there to dance to electronic stuff already so i would think people would flip over a dancey poppy gameboy set. if you wanted to do other stuff, in addition to the show, like an LSDJ lecture or film screening, then it's not the best place.
a place like boulder coffee would probably be into this but i've had weird dealings with them in the past. i think the ideal venue for this kind of a show/night would be a place called the flying squirrel (weird name, cool place). they would be totally into screening documentaries on weird electronic music and doing shows where people play video game stuff.
i have friends that have booked there before as well, so that might be the best choice for this kind of a night. also, i'm buds with the dude who books the shows at the bug jar, and i would love to try to set up a chip show there. how about my band + your band + some bigger name that we could somehow talk into coming there?
bleo wrote:Also the Museum of Play is opening that huge video game exhibit sometime in the near future, that's a huge resource to tap into. shrimps/revengineers play the grand opening!?!?! You picking up what I'm putting down? 
another amazing idea. i'm really going to look into this. maybe a performance / talk about chipmusic?
bleo wrote:I've been THINKING about building up the Rochester chip scene for about 5 years now, so it's nice to see someone else on that wavelength and actually taking ACTION.
yeah, thanks! rochester's obviously not the same kind of city as philly, boston, or new york, but i feel like we could get something going here, and i'd like to give it a shot.