Psydney, Australia

I just found my old Amiga system from 96-98 backed up on a CD. Managed to 'mount' it in WinUAE. Everything works, apart form a coupla files that were lost due to the CD being very old. This is what it looked like, seems so funny now (click to view in all it's 640x256 glory) :

You can tell from the info at the top that at the time I had a1200+blizzard030+16Mb.
The elephants are hard drive partitions, the chip is RAM-disk. The white bars on the left of the windows show used/free space.
The drawers and most of the tool icons are MagicWB, the rest are by me. Lots of custom stuff not visible on the screenie. Since the snapshot was taken on amiga, it doesn't show copper effects going thru that blue bg color. I even made a custom font and changed the pointer sprite into a 16-color one. I'm such a customisation bitch big_smile

I'm open to any questions you might have ("Oh God, Why?" comes to mind).

New York City

Nice icons man big_smile I totally hate MagicWB palette but you have managed to make a nice theme with it.
What screen format is this running on?

Psydney, Australia

It's in 640x256 (amiga 'Medres', actually hires without interlace) in 16 colors. Medres is the default Amiga system res.

New York City

Yeah it's called "HiRes" in the Amiga world smile.
16 colors only! Sweet.
I actually like it without copper gradients. I never liked copper backgrounds in games, even less a Workbench!

Psydney, Australia
akira^8GB wrote:

Yeah it's called "HiRes" in the Amiga world smile.
16 colors only! Sweet.
I actually like it without copper gradients. I never liked copper backgrounds in games, even less a Workbench!

The gradient was rather subtle, but frankly I only put it there because I could, not because it was needed smile