
I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this, since this is not exactly chip music.
But it's micro. Very micro. Micro as the brain cells of a lab rat.

Talking with a friend of mine, a neuro scientist, we discussed low pass filters, square waves and such, but from two very different points of view. I was talking about music and sounds, and he was talking about other properties he studies in order to figure out how brains work.

After a few beers, he agreed to send me samples of the brain cells of the thalamus of a lab rat, which he studies in order to understand different reactions to outside stimuli. When I heard the sounds, I was amazed: it's some kind of white noise, but with unpredictable peaks and rhithmic bursts.

I tried to do something musical with it, and this was the result. I used some parts of the sample to do percussive sounds, and other parts as background noise. The bass is a moogish vst, while the audio is made of some excerpts from the lunar landing recordings. The sound crackles a lot, for obvious reasons, but I like it this way. Weird, I know, but I had fun.

Apologies for my bad scientific english, and sorry if this is too off topic for this board.

Here's the song:

Of course, if anyone is interested, I'll gladly share the original samples.

Edit: the song is not final. I still want to tweak something and work on the arrangement, but this is definitely the sound. smile

Last edited by Kenobit (Jan 14, 2010 10:58 pm)

Seattle, WA

am i the only one who thought this had to do with cell phones for a moment?


id be very interested in aquiring those samples my friend would you send me a copy of them? this will do nicely for my next planned project smile

and yuh i had that thought at first too tongue

Last edited by 5H1R0 (Jan 16, 2010 4:02 am)


Sure! Drop me a email at fabio (dot) bortolotti (at) gmail (dot) com

My friend is also sending me new ones.

Also, here's a couple of links explaining what is what:

Bursting (the crackling peaks emerging from the white noise)

Something about what you are hearing … cillations

My friend is also explaining me other thing about this, if you are curious don't be afraid to ask. smile

Chicago IL

rat brain compo GO


@Saskrotch im up for that smile