PlainFlavored wrote:Unless you live in New York, you can't play Blip twice. This means I'll probably have to get a time machine if I ever want to see Stu in America...
They've had emergency replacements who have played Blip twice now though... I will break the legs of as many 2011 performers as I have to in order to see Stu and The J. Arthur Keenes Band again. Or 2006 performers I never got to see like Quarta330.
Haha I wasn't gonna be the first to post a list, but since it's already begun...
SIEVERT (+ Dr. Szliszka?)
Bondage Fairies
Electric Children
DispyzFour of those were on my wish list from last year. I have to admit that I'm not all up to date on recent chip releases. Looking forward to Blip introducing me to some new stuff.
It's impossible for "Dispyz" to play as that project is 100% finished, so if there was a god, it would probably have to be the Stagediver alias instead. Even better would be a Hexadeci vs Stagediver Amiga battle of the UNIVERSE.