and since id gotten asked today how many chip releases ive done so far, this makes the 17th one i have released since 2005
click titles for .zip file 
BTR8 (2 songs nanoloop 2.1, 3 songs onputer, 8 songs nano 1.1)
nintendolotry (6 songs nanoloop 1.3, 2 songs onputer)
aches, burns & split lips (6 songs nano 1.3, 2 nano 1.1)
Vodka & Taxes (all nanoloop 1.3)
NES versions (magical 8bit plugin)
the zombies want your brains so bad, baby (4 songs nano 1.3, 5 songs LSDJ)
game boy glitches (2 songs LSDJ, 1 song onputor, 1 song nanovoice, 1 song 2x nanoloop 1.3 & nanovoice, umm..lots of effects...etc....9 tracks total, let's just say that)
falling... (4 songs, all nanoloop 2.3)
last chance for redemption (nanoloop 1.3, nanoloop 2.3 & korg electribe esx-1)
NY EP (nanoloop 2.3. LSDJ)
summer's end EP (nanoloop 1.3, nanoloop 2.3)
all hallows eve EP (cd only release, out of print)
emokids.jpg (minidisc only release, out of print)
necromancy (nanoloop 1.3, nanoloop 2.3, nanovoice, korg electribe esx-1)
bitches (split with Dauragon C. Mikado & Big-Chip) (nanoloop 1.1, nanoloop 2.3)
prophecies EP (nanoloop 2.3, LGPT)
black dahlia (nanoloop 2.3)
those are all chip...these two use some
<insert witty title here> (2 songs have nano 1.3 synced to Korg ESX1)
i think i'm (all songs have game boy drones mixed in some ways, very noisy album)
this one has nanoloop beats that have been heavily manipulated on my laptop (in realtime in cool edit 96)
obsessive beat fuckery vol 2
let me know if i screwed up any of the links