The P-N-Dubz

Hey all,

Turned on my DMG today and the screen is a total mess. Black with a couple horizontal and vertical lines on the right side. It's basically not fixable right? I tried opening it up, reconnecting everything but at this point I'm wondering if maybe it's worth it to just install a new screen (backlit)? I've been looking at some ways to repair the LCD but I'm not sure I have a dead line – it's like everything but a couple lines are dead.



the horizontal lines are unfixable, sorry.

The P-N-Dubz

Damn! So new DMG or is it a LCD problem?

Boulder, CO

If the screen is all black and the contrast doesn't change that's an issue too. To replace an LCD you're gonna be replacing the whole front board so may as well get another DMG.

The P-N-Dubz

Good to know. Thanks guys. A little rough but my BleepBloop is still in the mail so no harm really, I'm not missing out on much. I have a couple other ones lying around. Thanks for the quick responses!

Last edited by Kayeff (Feb 11, 2011 2:26 am)


Ya, the horizontal lines are unfixable (for now), but the vertical lines are totally fixable. I've only run into one screen where I couldn't bring back a vertical line.