
Some time ago I received a copy of the 8bp050 compilation album from Sycamore Drive absolutely free after requesting it in a "Free Stuff" thread of his own over on the dark side of Pluto (aka, 8bc). It would be a complete dick move for me to sell it so I've decided to pass this album on to someone else in the chip community.
However I was inspired by Sycamore Drive's kind gestures and have decided to donate several other chip music items that I have acquired and distribute them via some sort of contest.

The albums are:

  • 8BP050 Compilation Album

  • Henry Homesweet - Palm Trance

  • Nonfinite - Southbridge

  • Electrify Me! - Electrify Me! EP

  • Kid Icarus - Kid "Iciris" EP

  • DeadBeatBlast - 8Bit Revolt "Street Edition"

  • Superpowerless - Snow Storm EP

  • HarleyLikesMusic - Chiptronic EP (He gave me this CD at Chiptronic last year)

The other "Items" are:

  • Silver Gameboy Pocket

  • Pink Gameboy Pocket

  • White 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit

  • Blue 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit

  • GB/GBC Link Cable

Neither of the GBPs have battery covers but apart from that they still work.

Now I know what you're thinking.. "How do I claim these items?"
Simply list the 3 items you want most and a short post comprised of whatever you want, it can be cat pictures (Hello, an_cat_max), something inspirational/philosophical, your favourite memory relating to the chip music scene, a youtube video, what you ate for lunch or even a short story of a tiger who goes to the moon. Yes I really mean anything! Try to be creative and come up with ideas I haven't mentioned.

If your post catches my eye then I'll PM you for your address and ship your most desired item (Or lesser desired if your top one has been claimed already) to you free of charge.

There is 1 item I didn't include, a mystery gift... It's not an album, but still chip related, filled with mystery and sealed within a mysterious but sexy Midori Kraft Envelope! It has been paired up with an item from the main list just so it doesn't go lonely.
MYSTERY GIFT CLUE: 32, 16 and 4. They're all interconnected in some way.

I will not be accepting any bribe PM's even if they're filled with gllowing rainbow unicorns who drink paint, shit chocolate and consume way too many mind altering drugs, everything should be kept in this thread.



Last edited by Renegade Runner (Feb 22, 2011 1:33 am)


I would really love the white backlighting kit, zen albatross broke mine and i really really miss it.


How did it get broken?

Liverpool, UK

*      White 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit
    *      Blue 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit
    * DeadBeatBlast - 8Bit Revolt "Street Edition"


Hello! I'd like to get DeadBeatBlast's album, the GB/GBC Link Cable, and Kid Icarus' album please. In order to convince you to send me these items, I'm going to tell you a story. A story about the great space strawberry.

The great space strawberry* was not an strawberry at all; instead it was a huge alien being, the last of its race. Aeons ago, before time was even invented, the Kyrgyzoids (TGSS's species) reigned as the supreme dominators of known space, using their devastating disintegrator weapons to keep other civilizations in check. However, the government of the Kyrgyzoids morally stagnated and became corrupt over time, leading to vast oversights in both the advancement of weapons technology and the monitoring of some of the apparently less rebellious worlds. Finally, a minor rebellion on Qwantos VI became a rallying point for the oppressed denizens of all of the planets underneath the Kyrgyzoids' rule, leading to a brutal and inhumane galactic war. When the Kyrgyzoid's defeat became imminent, pulse-drive powered star-dreadnoughts impeding on the territory of the most stalwart of the former dominators' strongholds, the once-powerful race activated an immense nuclear bomb that wiped out nearly all life in known space. However, in a freak accident, TGSS had been working in a massive lead-lined safe that somehow prevented the radiation poisoning from destroying his neurons. Filled with regret at what his people had done, TGSS dedicated his life towards the creation of a perfect universe, filled with flourishing life not unlike that that had once filled the universe that TGSS knew and loved.
Over the millennia, TGSS submitted himself to terrible cybernetic and biological modifications, forming himself into a giant, spacebearing red fruit, covered in thousands of life-giving seeds. He flew throughout the universe, depositing his seeds onto promising worlds. The seeds sprouted and evolved in myriad ways, diverging to become the species that are unfamiliar and familiar to human beings, some examples being people, dolphins, Martians, and Shpleabii.
Though TGSS's cause was noble, it brought him into direct conflict with the presiding god of our universe, Zuul. Though a benevolent god, Zuul's belief was that evil-doers should be forced to bear the results of their actions. Since TGSS was once a Kyrgyzoid, Zuul blamed him, at least partially, for the terrible galactic war that had erupted many millennia ago. To absolve TGSS of his sins, Zuul decided to deconstruct him into an atomic mist. TGSS disagreed with this unjust sentence, and engaged Zuul in a barrage of plasma-beams. Zuul responded with instant de-existation, ending TGSS's existence prematurely.
Though TGSS had perished, his efforts resulted in the existence of the human race, and for that reason we should all be very grateful to him and worship him above all other gods. Besides Zuul, that is.

*Heretofore referred to as "TGSS"

Liverpool, UK



It is the height of the war in Vietnam, and U.S. Army Bit Shifter is sent by Random and a STu to carry out a mission that, officially, 'does not exist - nor will it ever exist'. The mission: To seek out a mysterious Green Beret Colonel, CalmDownKidder, whose army has crossed the border into Cambodia and is conducting hit-and-run missions against the Viet Cong and NVA. The army believes CDK has gone completely insane and bit shifter's job is to eliminate him! Bit Shifter, sent up the Nung River on a U.S. Navy patrol boat, discovers that his target is one of the most decorated officers in the U.S. Army. His crew meets up with surfer-type Lt-IAYD, head of a U.S Army helicopter cavalry group which eliminates a Viet Cong outpost to provide an entry point into the Nung River. After some hair-raising encounters, in which some of his crew are killed, Bit Shifter, Lance and Chef reach Colonel Kurtz's outpost, beyond the Do Lung Bridge. Now, after becoming prisoners of Kurtz, will Willard & the others be able to fulfill their mission?

Huddersfield, UK

Silver Gameboy Pocket
8BP050 Compilation Album
DeadBeatBlast - 8Bit Revolt "Street Edition"

I can't really write about what I had for lunch today as it has just gone past 1am but I had a pretty good lunch yesterday. I put a joint of pork in the oven for a while and then whilst the oven was doing its job I wrote a lot and theorised about nothing to do with the Cold War and specifically the partition of Germany. I then cut the pork into slices and ate some of it in a sandwich which was great.  I personally think it lacked a bit of apple sauce, though. The atmosphere at the table was similar to an American Football concert circa '99. By the end of the second sandwich I'd had enough, my mouth was kind of dry and I've not been eating much recently. Overall it was a nice change from eating ramen everyday.

Liverpool, UK
L-tron wrote:

reach Colonel Kurtz's outpost

Who? Poor "replace names" job, D-, see me after class


GB/GBC link
8BP Compo
Silver GBP

Here's a really cool stock photo of happy children (+5 for being ethnically diverse!)


I drew a picture of An-Cat-Max drawing a picture of a cat!

Last edited by *E (Feb 21, 2011 7:38 pm)


Pink Gameboy Pocket

White 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit

GB/GBC Link Cable

That's me (the dog) If I get what I'd like from the very gracious OP.

That's 8bc.


I pick:
Blue 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit
White 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit
8BP050 Compilation

I ate pizza for lunch. woohoo... tongue
And I present the glory of buffalo and pictures I made: … lo_buffalo
"The chipmusic composing buffalo buffalo'd his gameboy into creating the best songs ever for him to show to his friend, the Buffalo buffalo that buffalo buffalo."
" id="forum_image_24848464">
(Edit: ooh, It glitched!)

Last edited by Octothorpe (Feb 23, 2011 10:12 pm)


I totally want that pink GBP

And here's a unicorn that drinks paint, shits chocolate, and consumes way to many mind altering drugs (and it's in this thread!)

Last edited by tacticalbread (Feb 20, 2011 2:54 am)

Liverpool, UK

shit just got real

Milwaukee, WI

Pink Pocket
Blue Backlight

Pretty please?

A story on putting emphasis on second syllables.

William was a rich hermit crab who owned a mansion.  He frequently bought things which his butler received.  He had ordered a new shell, and his doorbell had just rung.  His scholarly English butler who frequently puts emphasis on second syllables answered the door. The shell salesman had arrived.   The butler greeted him.  "Good evening Mr. TurTELL."  To this Mr.  Turtle answered politely and dropped off his shell.  Williams lawn had fallen into a state of disrepair, so he had ordered some new manure.  Soon the ornery manure salesman arrived at Williams house.  The good butler (although a little snidely) answered the door.  "Good evening Mr. RabBIT."  To this Mr. Rabbit's reply was " Good day!  I'm Mr. RabBIT and I've brought the ----"


Grammar jokes anyone?

Renegade Runner wrote:
  • Henry Homesweet - Palm Trance

  • Silver Gameboy Pocket

  • Blue 1.5mm Nonfinite Backlighting Kit

Renegade Runner wrote:

a short story of a tiger who goes to the moon.

a short story of a tiger who goes to the moon.

a short story of a tiger who goes to the moon.

Awesome way of distributing amongst the community! Lets see;

The Longest Journey
Smendrick the Magician

Long ago on an island many miles from here, there lived a blue tiger by the name of Seir
Seir always knew he wasn't like the other tigers, for instead of hunting, he was busy studying the course of the stars. He knew that one day he would take a journey off of this rock, and into the depths of space.
After receiving his Doctorate of Astronomical Physics, he finally landed a job at NASA, and was gonna go to the moon!
Many months of preparing brought him to the moment before liftoff, he thought to himself, "Huzzah bitches!" and before he knew it, he was on the rocky surface.

All the Astronauts threw a moon party, and ate space cake. All was well.