I am looking for an NSF player for the NES that allows me to mute channels? The purpose is in order to record each NES channel (ie SQ1, SQ2, Tri, Noise, DPCM, Cart-In) individually for mastering. Right now, I have to manually cut out tracks I don't want and create multiple NSF exports from FamiTracker. While I did mod my NES for multiple outs (see this), but that still is fairly coarse if I want to grab each individual channel. It just means I can do 2 channels in one pass.
I assume this is really something I should address with RetroUSB and ask for an update to the PowerPak that could do this (since I assume the file-handling stuff it does is non-trivial?) but thought I would check Actually I sent an e-mail many moons ago to RetroUSB but didn't hear back. It either was lost in the shuffle or is not something that can/will be implemented.
Thoughts or suggestions anyone?