rochester, ny
danimal cannon wrote:

Chip musicians can record almost instantaneously after composing...

so does that mean i can expect a copy of roots soon?

roboctopus wrote:

This is a digression, but I would almost argue that in the chip world an EP IS an album.

It's an interesting point. 8bitpeoples' adoption of the EP (though they've put out a few albums) has no doubt linked the format to the release of chipmusic, and mini CDs fit the aesthetic of any lo-fi music. There are lots of amazing releases that take full advantage of this length too - peeR's Dances feels like a small suite, while some, like Stu's Atari Solo, have enough different tracks to constitute a small album rather than an EP. The idea of fitting an album's worth of ideas into a short space of time is quite exciting I think (I love My Little Airport, whose first two albums count ten tracks in under twenty minutes - the perfect foil to their Casio driven pop sound).

That said, I agree with danimal cannon. The inclusion of EPs probably wouldn't change my list much either. I just think my favourite chipmusic albums work better as releases than any chipmusic EP, with a couple of exceptions. Chip albums are somewhat neglected, even though there are fantastic offerings by Tom Woxom, Goto80, Syphus, Cow'p, Cheap Dinosaurs...

One thing I find with a lot - not all, but a lot - of (sometimes quite high profile) chipmusic EPs is that they often feel randomly thrown together. I know mine are. Even if all the tracks are great they don't necessarily make a coherent statement - in fact, you have to be really quite savvy and ruthless to make a short release work in this regard (not that albums can't be incoherent).

Indeed, this wasn't even really an issue in the days of the demoscene and, later, - the chipmusic scene is still in my opinion known for individual tracks rather than EPs or albums. I don't know why this topic interests me so much - I really am going off on one...

Last edited by Stevens (Oct 26, 2011 11:41 pm)


If u've never heard of Fatal Snipe search him up! Amazing.

yes you should all fucking listen to this: … fellowship

buffalo, NY
nickmaynard wrote:
danimal cannon wrote:

Chip musicians can record almost instantaneously after composing...

so does that mean i can expect a copy of roots soon?

yeah sometime in the next month

Jellica wrote:

If u've never heard of Fatal Snipe search him up! Amazing.

yes you should all fucking listen to this: … fellowship

This is so good. Thanks for the tip.

Melbourne, Australia

Woaahh, first time post. In no particular order:

- Sievert - Beyond the Frontier
- The J. Arthur Keenes Band - Computer Savvy
- Nullsleep - Unconditional Acceleration (it had to be said at some point)
- Trey Frey - Trey Frey II
- Random - Bad Joke


ant1 - gr8est hits
A.M.U - Diamond
kaneel - your average best friend
zabutom - zeta force
minusbaby - bias

btw I haven't used an amiga since 1995

Neo Jersey

1. norrin radd - anomaly
2. anamanaguchi - dawn metropolis
3. cheap dinosaurs - s/t
4. ymck - family racing
5. j arthur keenes band - computer savvy
honorable mention: rainbowdragoneyes - super eurobit and the 7th enochian key

buffalo, NY

fuck how did I forget Norrin Radd - Anomaly


4mat, I just sent my monthly check smile

How come nobody mentioned Phlogiston except on page 1? Come ooooon smile

Last edited by kaneel (Oct 29, 2011 7:43 pm)