I have been wanting to build an ArdunioBoy for a while and finally opted to go the route of making a shield first since it means I can reuse my Ardunio for other things if I want, and have a bit more room to experiment. I used shield template I think I found on Adafruit somewhere. Just sent the design off to DorkBot and will be able to test things in a few weeks hopefully. Until then, I thought I would share for anyone that might find it helpful.
Here is a pic of the board layout
Here are the EagleCAD files for it.
Not much to it, really. I extended the shield out a bit to make it easier to mess with the MIDI ports as I am a bit worried about clearance underneath the shield were I to move them in. The plan is to get this working and then make a custom board for the whole thing so I can better fit it in a case and things, but I thought this would be more more useful for me at the moment.
Feedback welcome! The thought occurred to me I should have asked for feedback /before/ or ordered the boards but oh well As long as the first board works, I'm happy and can make changes in a subsequent revision.