We teamed up with the renowned M.J. Mahon to create a revolutionary performance synth for the Apple II computer:
Introducing the Digital Music Synthesizer for Apple II personal computers! The DMS is the only wavetable synthesizer for the Apple //e, IIc, and IIc+ computers that is suitable for performance use. It supports up to 8 voices, which can be selected from the 10 on disk, and played (monophonically) from the Apple II keyboard. It can be used to record performance for later playback as well. Also, the DMS doesn’t require a monitor! Just turn on your Apple II and when the drive light goes off. Then hit the space bar you’re ready to play live~! One less bulky monitor to drag to the gig anymore~!
Requirements: A2.DMS requires an Apple //e, IIc, IIc+, or IIgs computer with 80-column capability, at least one 5.25” floppy disk drive. Use with a monitor is optional.
Get your 5.25" floppy disk copy of the D.M.S. for just $14.95!
Sounds on disk are: Acoustic Piano, Vibraphone, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass, Trumpet, Clarinet, square wave, sawtooth wave, sine wave, and (for Bud Melvin)... Banjo!
Here is a mp3 demo*: DMS Demo
* Sounds EQ'd with some noise filtering.
For more info please visit here:
Last edited by 8bitweapon (Mar 25, 2010 7:52 pm)