New York City

Who knows, after so many crashes/backups/etc. and since I been using it since 2000, I can guesstimate:

Rochester, NY
Chainsaw Police wrote:
ChipsChallengeBand wrote:


Last edited by ChipsChallengeBand (May 12, 2012 2:33 pm)

roboctopus wrote:
Zef wrote:

I listen over my songs a ridiculous amount

Me too.  I focus on every little detail.  It's a bit painful sometimes.  I wouldn't mind being a breezier composer...

Yeah, I think that's the curse in the blessing of having such specific control over every nuance of every note; it's pretty much unique among chipmusic, and it allows us to be waaaaaay to much of perfectionists.

Zef wrote:
roboctopus wrote:

Me too.  I focus on every little detail.  It's a bit painful sometimes.  I wouldn't mind being a breezier composer...

Yeah, I think that's the curse in the blessing of having such specific control over every nuance of every note; it's pretty much unique among chipmusic, and it allows us to be waaaaaay to much of perfectionists.

In what way is it unique?

Austin, TX
munchluxe63 wrote:

I lost some of my saves going through airport security a while ago, but I think I have at least 40 hours in total for both my carts.

How'd that happen?  Does the X-Ray screw up the cart somehow?

nordloef wrote:
Zef wrote:

Yeah, I think that's the curse in the blessing of having such specific control over every nuance of every note; it's pretty much unique among chipmusic, and it allows us to be waaaaaay to much of perfectionists.

In what way is it unique?

It was obviously a generalization, but in traditional composition the writer doesn't have precise control over individual vibrato on each individual violin, or the exact timing and degree of volume swells which will be replicated EVERY time the piece is played (of course you could play a piece on guitar and do bends and slides exactly as you like, but you can't plot it out and do it exactly the same every time). Even in other forms of electronic music (which play back the same every time) it is much more difficult to manipulate most VST plugins with a different envelope or vibrato on each and every note; or change the length of a legato slide on each note. I suppose I should say "Trackers" rather than chipmusic, but I do find that trackers give control that is mostly unprecedented elsewhere. I haven't written a thesis on this or anything so I'm open to discussion though, anyone want to contest that ^?

Last edited by Zef (May 12, 2012 7:38 pm)

vancouver, canada

just because a medium's available parameters are different in their kind or degree of exposure doesn't mean the artist won't find some way to obsess over them, especially if it's necessary to achieve the exact sound they're looking for.

i'm quite certain lots of electronic artists and sound engineers will stab people because a reverb tail didn't clear out the way they wanted,  or because a particular point in their volume envelope is 50ms too late/early.  some will spend a month creating and programming a custom patch in Max/MSP from scratch to achieve a level of control over a sample or VST that their environment can't provide.

btw my LSDJ cart says 70:16:39 total and counting, but i'm pretty sure that value had rolled back to 0 at some point.  Anybody know the maximum work time that can be represented?

Last edited by bryface (May 12, 2012 8:12 pm)

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]

First cart: 10:17:17
Second cart: 12:15:46

Poor first cart. I had it longer but it lost favor. #2 is my go to mobile one now. Keep in mind that 90% of the time, both carts are running because I use both at the same time for one song.

akira^8GB wrote:

Who knows, after so many crashes/backups/etc. and since I been using it since 2000, I can guesstimate:

lol, I don't know if that's what it actually looks like when you max it out, but it certainly should be!

The Multiverse ::: [CA, Sac]
Auxcide ::: May 12th wrote:

Master: 12:15:46
Slave: 10:17:17

69 days later:::
Master: 21:11:47
Slave: 20:19:03

Getting battery paranoia. neutral

Gosford, Australia

the battery drains at the same rate regardless of what you do with the cart, afaik wink

NC in the US of America

The majority of the time on my sav is from my leaving LSDJ open on my computer when I get interrupted from my making to go do something else, or listening to it over and over with my wireless headphones while doing chores and stuff, so it doesn't really mean anything.

I'm sure I won't have that luxury when I have to worry about batteries dying and stuff.