
Great considerations and such you guys.
I have never heard of Brother Android or 8Bit Betty.
I really wanted to make this my own, so I never incorporated the use a patchbook, online photos, or any external sound/effects controllers.
I decided on the on the title Mycelium as I felt it was similar to mushroom growth.
Mycelium is the first stage (First EP), mushrooms provide 4 harvests per specimen (4 songs), it takes about a month to produce fruit (took a month).

NC in the US of America

Cool. It's nice to know the story behind it. You learn something everyday.

I'm always fascinated by similarities that crop up between different artists, songs, genres, etc., so don't think I'm saying your stuff is unoriginal when comparing it to Brother Android and 8Bit Betty.

I'm no major authority on chipmusic, but I'll cosign that I see much potential and good awareness of musical structure in your songs. Keep on working at it. I look forward to seeing that potential fulfilled. Some of those motifs are catchy. Some of the coolest music is made by people who just make what they think sounds good.

Peace out.