yeah, it does sound like someone said "rip off this specific song"
maybe it was i fight dragons
how so? im being serious here. i dont really no much about anamanaguchi outside of them being pretty popular. did they just bite their style or take an actual melody from them.
edit: never mind. saskrotch kinda answered for me.
Last edited by walter b. gentle (Sep 18, 2012 12:49 am)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTGh04IAwmc is the song it rips off of. And I have to admit, at first I thought it was derivative but not necessarily actual THEFT. Then I listened to that song again and there's really no arguing. I'm not out to defend anyone here, because there are few things that bother me more than lazy songwriting, but what probably happened was, they hired some fancy hot-shot trusted musician and asked him or her to make something that sounded "all nintendo-y and stuff!" He either knew of Anamanaguchi and did something that was just way too close to one of their songs by accident, or came across it and figured no one would ever notice and his big-wig Disney bosses would never do any research because who makes music that sounds like that anyway if not for some novel app, right?!?
EDIT: No arguing that it's NOT a blatant ripoff, I mean. Someone should own up to this and admit they stole it, but I blame the composer more than clueless people at Disney.
Last edited by chipocrite (Sep 18, 2012 12:55 am)
and apparently disney was deleting all the rip-off comments on the youtube page, and now they all have to be moderated before they're approved
well basically anamanaguchi needs to fight disney now. as james hetfield said, sad but trueeeee
yup...lawyer up s0ns, you have a very solid case here, get 'er dun
Or maybe they just commissioned Timbaland for the job..
I mean, even little production decisions are exactly the same. The panning harmony part that comes in after about 2 seconds in both songs.. panned in both videos. Could not be a coincidence.
if you ask me though, if i were directed to write something that sounded like "8-bit power pop", i'd honestly have a hard time making it not sound like anamanaguchi. there are only so many chords and melody lines that fit that particular sound template, there's bound to be some overlap eventually.
Last edited by bryface (Sep 18, 2012 1:08 am)
is the chip community just doomed to be fucked in the ass by plagarism or something
Not to be the negative nancy in the light of potential drama, but maybe someone should first check with Anamanaguchi if they perhaps actually licensed the song? Even if this is the case, Disney might not be keen about mentioning this too loudly.
And also could someone download the app and see if there's any other music in it? (Or any music at all.)