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Spectral Cloud / Music / sgeos's music / Spectral Cloud

Spectral Cloud

By sgeos on Feb 5, 2012 7:53 am

This was a test to see if low budget game background music can be created by
writing a melody in Famitracker and then uploading it to UJAM. This melody takes
an ABAC form. The C pattern does link back to A very well, nor do I think it
does an especially good job of ending the song. In any case, perfecting the
melody was not the goal here.

When I first uploaded this melody, UJAM not read it correctly at all.  After I
switched to vanilla triangle waves, everything worked fine.  I have uploaded
the original melody complete with funky triangle waves.


Feedback appreciated.

Sharing, copying, derivative works and commercial use appreciated.  No special
request necessary.  Contributing derivative works to the public domain is
appreciated but not required.  Attribution appreciated but not required
(Brendan A R Sechter).

Link to UJAM remix using vanilla triangle waves:

Link to UJAM "remix" with broken melody:


Written in 2012 by Brendan A R Sechter <sgeos *splat* hotmail *spot* com>

To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and
related and neighboring rights to this music to the public domain worldwide.
This music is distributed without any warranty.

You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
with this music. If not, see>.

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial (BY-NC)

Member has requested constructive criticism

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