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For The Dragon (Adlib OPL3 Breath of Fire III Cover) / Music / tacticalbread's music / For The Dragon (Adlib OPL3 Breath of Fire III Cover)

For The Dragon (Adlib OPL3 Breath of Fire III Cover)

By tacticalbread on Aug 28, 2010 1:02 pm

Getting the hang of Adlib Tracker, I decided to do a cover of the theme song of one of my favourite JRPGs, Breath of Fire III. 15 channels. Module: or

This submission is licensed by author under CC Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works (BY-NC-ND)

Member has requested constructive criticism

hey, i've listened and it's ok!. never heard the original. the thing i don't like about it is the lack of personality of the chosen instruments, they 're pretty generic ... but this thing works perfect for what is aimed.

i would love to hear some original music if you havemore  opl3 stuff.

keep it up!

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