is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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chip music chronicle
focusing on the philadelphia area artists and scene (in 720p)
to document chip music performances with complete sets, tracks and good quality audio and video that properly captures the mood of these performances. to do justice to the hard work these people put into the scene and provide a chronicle of that dedication. to provide all performers with an equal voice and eliminate the gate-keeping.
you will find all performances organized into setlists as well as complete events, such as MAGFest. i've put much love & care into trying to do this in the best way possible.
the chronicle was launched on 2/27/11
About Me:
all videos were recorded by me without any professional equipment or editing tools. i feel that recording "guerilla style" with minimal gear provides an ambience that more purely resembles the experience of the performance live in person.
like many others i used to record a short clip here and there and eventually realized that i always wished i had the complete song or set, for that matter. i then began recording everything i could and tried to stake a position that embellished the vibe of the performance, focusing less on filming the artist & more on the environment & sound during their performance. sharing much of this with only friends and the people involved, i realized that there was demand to present in a more public & organized fashion. this channel is the result.
i am not a professional and i wish i could provide better, but i feel someone needs to do this and they haven't yet. / Emfedex's Profile