Buenos Aires, Argentina

How much latency is present in this interface?. Could I send trough MIDI fast instrument changes?, like a TL modification every frame?, or a really fast arpeggio macro using DefleMask?.

New York City

MIDI doesn't work well at that level, Delek, not only on this interface.
Imagine if you are doing that with not one but 3 or 6 voices or more... it's just not gonna happen.

Last edited by akira^8GB (Apr 18, 2012 10:24 pm)


akira: yet MidiNES actually you can send actual PCM data using cc numbers... SOMEHOW

ant1 wrote:

akira: yet MidiNES actually you can send actual PCM data using cc numbers... SOMEHOW

explain, since this would seem to be a feature i am unaware of
edit: do you mean the PCM modulation you can do with CC messages?

Last edited by e.s.c. (Apr 18, 2012 11:19 pm)


yea, if you send it ccs at audio rate (!) speeds you can use it as another synth voice. Considering how midines chokes on stuff, you should probably make sure all nonuseful midi data is stripped out of the signal,


hahaha, yeah.. i already make the piggy->midi lock up with some of my tables on  midines stuff, may be best not to mess with that too much, pretty sure i gave up when i was first learning midines since it was crashing a lot

New York City
ant1 wrote:

akira: yet MidiNES actually you can send actual PCM data using cc numbers... SOMEHOW

You can probably send all the data you want to the Genesis, but it will choke on data/lose data/etc.
Specially when dealing with USB interfaces this gets worse.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Well, I don't know how "precise" can be this GenMDM interface then. Because the instruments in the YM2612 are generated register by register, and that writes needs to be really really fast. Or only I could use "offline" pre-build instruments?.

Last edited by Delek (Apr 19, 2012 12:30 am)


so whats this putting the cart in an old cart shizzle then ? this is something that has to be done ?


no, unless you have a problem with a bare pcb in your system.

Delek wrote:

Well, I don't know how "precise" can be this GenMDM interface then. Because the instruments in the YM2612 are generated register by register, and that writes needs to be really really fast. Or only I could use "offline" pre-build instruments?.

It can be precise. Each parameter is controllable via MIDI CC. Instruments are not considered to be instruments per se - not in the normal sense. Rather, MIDI CC is sequenced on a parameter-by-parameter basis, as needed. As a result, parameters can be changed dynamically and fluidly - which is a handy thing to be able to do anyway - and "instrument" patches can be written by sequencing a number of MIDI CC parameters and sending them to the GenMDM simultaneously.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

The speed of the CC commands to configure an instrment should be really really fast. Some tracks are writing ins changes every tick. I really doubt that the speed of the MIDI interface is enough.

Do you tested some fast note triggerings with all parameters changing in each note?.

herr_prof wrote:

no, unless you have a problem with a bare pcb in your system.

i like it bare. im done with aestetic artistic would clash too much with my ghetto (ie-shitly made) pedals and what not. thanks for letting me know.

Delek wrote:

Do you tested some fast note triggerings with all parameters changing in each note?.

No. To be honest I wouldn't see the point.

GenMDM is not a tracker. It's a MIDI interface.

Buenos Aires, Argentina
little-scale wrote:

No. To be honest I wouldn't see the point.

The point is to discover the speed limit of GenMDM and to see if it is viable done a DefleMask->GenMDM coneccion in REAL TIME.

I've tested some MIDI stuff before, and they are damn slow.

little-scale wrote:

GenMDM is not a tracker. It's a MIDI interface.

I wouldn't see the point. With a MIDI interface you could send fast notes with different instruments in each one, you can send that with a tracker, with a standard MIDI sequencer or with a simple C program.


An "instrument" in the YM2612 has at least 44 parameters, so my question is simple: GenMDM+MIDI+USB are capable to send effectively to the Genesis 45 parameters (44+note on) per tick?, this is 45 parameters every 0,016~ seconds. This and some fast portamentos are the worst cases that can be sended by DefleMask to the GenMDM interface, GenMDM will process this requests at real time without loosing any packet (assuming the best MIDI connection)?.


You're right, it probably can't keep up with that rate, or at least I haven't tested it with that amount of data at those rates.

Does it really matter though?

Last edited by little-scale (Apr 24, 2012 1:28 am)