so I finally listened so here's some criticism
opinion: it's boring (your melody) and it's boring (because it's repetitive)
you fade in some drum sounds halfway through but nothing changes melodically or structurally
if I wanted to listen to a loop I could put on the cave story soundtrack
or any other game soundtrack I only said cave story because I played it recently and it has some very good loops but lots of games have good loops
like, look at the mario brothers they had good loops
so yeah that's what I feel in my heart and I hope this isn't representative of your body of work because this wasn't very good (in my opinion maybe other people like it idk you said 8bc liked it)
SO I listened to it again after I typed all that out it sounds like you add another melody on top halfway through but you're not using different instruments so I can't really hear any of the changes you possibly made
so I stand by what I said don't take it too harsh broseph