I'm lookin' at Kinetic Turtle and Nick Maynard, but anyone that could help would be great!
I've been jamming some of my Game Boy music, for a good 2 or 3 months, with a drummer, bassist, and recently a guitarist and female co-vocalist. I myself play along with a Casio PT-1 (for additional leads) and a Casio MT series for background synths. I've been trying to hold back on my MIDI controllers for now, as I love the lo-fi Casio sounds.
I'd liken our sound to something like This Will Destroy You meets M83 meets (sometimes) Neon Indian. Maybe some My Bloody Valentine and Jesus and Mary Chain in there. Just very dream pop/shoegaze/post-rock. Some songs are instrumental. Some are verrryyy poppy, much like M83's recent stuff or even The Naked and Famous (mostly all due to a guy/girl vocal combo).
This is our current setup:
Game Boy (running LSDJ) + 2 Casios going into a Behringer Eurorack Mixer. The mixer is running through a 120-Watt PA with 2 Vocal Mics into 2 channels.
My guitarist and bassist aren't too big with pedal effects just yet, but the bassist has a bass synth pedal and a distortion pedal. The guitarist has a Line 6 Delay pedal, and a multi-effect pedal for reverb and distortion.
For the most part, everything is sounding alright, but a good deal of muddiness is present.
I want to know what's the BEST way to get a good rehearsal mix, whether it be how to manage mixer settings, guitar/bass dynamics, or even easing up on some of the GB channels (I'm open to omitting a bassline (Wav) or drum (mostly use noise) to let the bassist and drummer shine respectively if anyone thinks it sounds better in the final mix. Keep everything present would be the best option.
Here's a sample of the outro/climax of one of our tracks that I've added Reason guitar to. We haven't recorded anything, as a whole, yet, so this will have to do in order to let you guys have a decent idea of what we're doing.
http://soundcloud.com/megacrush/jenny-m … -new-outro
EDIT: Here's the above song in its entirety. It's nothing I'm releasing yet. It was just so my bandmates could hear the track.
and here's a song that we won't be playing, but thought I'd be fun to share haha
http://soundcloud.com/megacrush/totchii … -the-world
Thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing everything you have to say!
Last edited by Terbografx (Apr 23, 2012 8:31 am)