Mini update...
I've sold a small run of kits around me to see if people had trouble building the kit or if things went wrong. Everything went fine, owners are happy and have started making tunes with it: … 6-ignition
The first batch of 20 kits should be ready to ship next week. I've reserved 3 kits for the chipmusic posse (doing the same for other boards I'm hanging on too...) ; the rest of the kits will go on a "first come first served" basis. After that, another batch of 20 mid april ; and a batch of 10 or 20 or more for those who already have a CEM3379 around ; and I might stop here and focus on something with a more modern filter design (unless stocks of CEM3379s are uncovered).
Kit comes without a case, so if I'd rather see this go to people with cool building skills
. Assembly is easy, but if you want to learn soldering, learn soldering on something mass-produced that can be purchased again if something goes wrong. Assembling instruction:
Post here and contact me by private message if you are interested in buying one of the 3 full kits I have reserved.
I would also like to know how many people here are interested in the CEM3379s-less kits, or by the bare PCBs, so I can reorder accordingly.
Last edited by mutable.instruments (Mar 30, 2010 7:32 pm)