Liverpool, UK

I have a FB-01 - I fancy trying something with the FM sounds. I spotted this - … equencer/, and fancy a piece of this. I'd like to make tracks with FM from the FB-01 and Game Boy from the LSDJ - I assume the best way to do this would be to have two game boys synced, but how would this work?


Game Boy > Game Boy > Arduino Boy > FB-01?


Game Boy > Arduino Boy > FB-01 > (sync box?) < Game Boy ?

Turku, FIN

i think you need 2 arduino boys, or midi-> gb


Why dont you just use one gameboy? You can use the effect channel of one of your existing channels as the seqeuncer channel for the fb. You cant use lsdj sync and lsdj midi at the same time.

Liverpool, UK
herr_prof wrote:

Why dont you just use one gameboy? You can use the effect channel of one of your existing channels as the seqeuncer channel for the fb. You cant use lsdj sync and lsdj midi at the same time.

Ah right, okay then. That's pretty sweet that you can use LSDJ and midi-out at the same time, I'll definitely look into getting an arduino boy soon!


you have two choices, you can use a n xx command to send a specific note number on a channel (the channels are defined in the aboy software, so for example you could assign both pulses to midi ch 1, wav to ch 5, etc) or use a q command to send a midi note relative to the currently playing lsdj channel. This is cool if you want to layer a midi sound over a lsdj instrument, you can just drop a q00 in the instrument and it will clone whatever midi note that lsdj is currently playing, without wasting the effect channel.

You can also play a table with groove 6/6 at the first step of the pattern, and then it will make the midi table a two note at a time capable chain. Combine it with qxx and you can do three voice chords in one channel.

Last edited by herr_prof (May 9, 2012 5:13 pm)


I used a dmg and a FB-01 to make this here track: … dmg--fb-01

When you use your arduinoboy for midi-out, you can't sync it anymore. So if you want to use 2 DMG's you'd have to start them with perfect timing.

What I used to make 3 note chords is put a Nxx in the command line, and use 2 Q commands in the tables.
(So say, enter the note A 4, Place N40 in your command line, and Q00 and Q04 in row 0 of your table)

also, each channel of lsdj sends out notes on different midi channels, so you can have up to 4 different FM instruments together with your DMG sounds. If you can cram it all in smile