Brighton | Portsmouth | UK

I've been strolling through netlabels for what must be 3/4 years now, and know for sure I haven't even scratched the surface of the huge amount of great music out there. So, was just wondering, what are some of your favourite netlabel releases? (non-chip/vgm related mainly because the chances are I already own them)


Entertainment For The Braindead- Roadkill … -roadkill/
This has got to be one of my favourites, she has maybe 7 releases, all free, all gold dust. A rather misleading name, the contents are actually extremely delicate indie/pop/folk, with odd but very instrument choices and some brilliant layered sounds (not my usual stuff, but I usually go to netlabels for my non-metal fix as my cd collection is brimming with enough already). She also has two releases (I think) which is just one-takes of her in a forest with a guitar ( … aw_Timber/), and it's stupidly good stuff.

Other stuff I dione enjoued:
Monster X- Disco Zombie Paradise … e-paradise
Glitch house to the fucking max, disgusting and great

Mihaven- MIlhaven
German post-rock genius

Superspink- Elements
Like she but better imo, he also recently self-released a full length called 'Forces' as well, which is as good (if not a tad better) than this

I showed you mine, show me yours please


i really dig