I'm always tweeting/talking about music I'm interested in.
No one listens. That's not my problem, and it's your choice if you're going to listen to me or not.
I wouldn't want to listen to me, my tastes are shit. Consider the following:
I wrote a huge facebook note back in fucking 2009 about a little band called "fun." and tagged pretty much everyone I thought would dig their music (ie. everyone I associated with at the time). Very few people gave a shit (of course, now fun. is dropping mediocre music while simultaneously going mainstream...)
My point: no one likes music, if people liked music they'd seek it out; of the few people that do seek it out, an even fewer amount talk about it.
How many facebook posts/tweets/tumbls/whatever have been someone posting a song, and you blow it off because "my taste is better than theirs is?" How many times does this happen in real life? How many times have you legitimately been interested in a friend's recommendation, only to forget about it later? It just wasn't important. In this way, you've missed out on the possibility you'd find new music.
AND THEN it's only a possibility. Granted, it only takes a few minutes to figure out if you can enjoy an artist's music, but still. The minutes you take figuring out whether you like something or not add up. People don't like wasting time.
So. Finding new music. It's a problem with you. I can spoonfeed you music I like, I can spoonfeed you music I think you'll like, and it won't do shit.
In the end if you want "new" music that's also "good" you're going to have to wade through a bunch of shit yourself because WASSGUD is subjective. Adding a "top 10 my first lsdj" section will not change this.
CM.O will stay exactly the way it is, because this thread is bullshit. Adding a recommendation list? Same problem. No one will use it. If someone uses it, even less people will actually look at a user's recommendations.
This is not an attack on anyone; I'm generalizing. I'm sure everyone in this thread is a unique and special snowflake that always takes the time to search for rad new music.
god did this post have a point or did I just want to ramble about how mediocre fun.'s second album is while simultaneously going hipster because they're getting popular man the world will never know