i realised it is possible to be a real musician and an attention seeker at ze same time
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i realised it is possible to be a real musician and an attention seeker at ze same time
VCMG wrote:Tracking is a pretty quick way to write music. So are you basically asking why trackers are like trackers?
I'm wondering why you take this easy way out, falling into some cookie cutter industry,
rather than implementing the true arts, and organizing ideas with technique, and study.
Rather than just placing notes that sound "right" in a correct order.
Hoping to gain some form of popularity.
And you're saying you're not just "placing notes that sound 'right' in the correct order"? You're doing the same thing, just in a different way.
Also how is a still-kinda-underground music scene considered "cookie-cutter"?
lol. Unless he's doing probabilities and mathematics to figure the next probable note that'd sound good.
I don't mind if someone made a song in a very fast paste, I'd listen to it
I can't even figure out if this a troll post or not
I write everything down on staff sheets first, then transcribe it through raw assembly programming without any fancy schmancy interfaces. After that I record it to analog tape for warmth©, and then I record that onto an old VHS tape and wear it out a bit for some additional vintage color to the sound.
i make sure to tell everyone how i make my music before i release it because that is more important than the sound itself ,
You guys are taking so little time to do this, what with all your fancy analog synths and fancy electronics. In order for you to write good music, you need to carve the notes into rocks and play each part individually into a ceramic pot recording. Sheet music is too cookie cutter, been done since before Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Everyone knows you're just trying to be popular if you don't go to the most extreme methods of writing. Duh.
I can't even figure out if this a troll post or not
Its real. He actually is that much of a fucktard.
I carve the pulse waves into my skin. I want to be hardcore sooo bad.
I record that onto an old VHS tape and wear it out a bit for some additional vintage color to the sound.
http://www.versionindustries.com/work/c … vanity-set
I carve the pulse waves into my skin. I want to be hardcore sooo bad.
This guy knows how it's done. He's got entire WAV patches scarred into his bum.
Screw patches, actual soundwaves.
You guys are taking so little time to do this, what with all your fancy analog synths and fancy electronics. In order for you to write good music, you need to carve the notes into rocks and play each part individually into a ceramic pot recording.
that. was pretty funny.
Whoah, what are you guys doing here? I'm still hanging out in Usenet.