
It's common knowledge that using the transpose column of a table can change notes without restarting the envelope (e.g. arps). But is there any way of doing this in the phrase screen without using tables? I'm trying to use a slow fade-in instrument with the envelope set to 1F, and have the notes change to what I have set in the phrase screen during each fade in. I've tried deleting the instrument indicator after the initial note (like with WAV instruments), but it still restarts the envelope. I'm about to abuse tables to achieve the effect I want, but before I did that I thought I'd post here to see if anyone had a better idea.


Deleting the instrument indicator is the right way to do it. Strange that it doesn't work. Is this on hardware or in an emulator, and if so which one? Which version of LSDj?


Two carts on my grayboy, one 3.8.9 and one 3.9.9. Doesn't work in either.


your nick confuses me. what instrument are you talking about? maybe your synth restarts on its own. any retriggering commands in the table?


No tables. This is exactly how I have it:

Phrase 00

0 C5 00 --
1  --  --  --
2  --  --  --
3  --  --  --
4  --  --  --
5  --  --  --
6  --  --  --
7 D5 --  --
8  --  --  --
9  --  --  --
A  --  --  --
B  --  --  --
C  --  --  --
D  --  --  --
F  --  --  --

Instrument 00

Envelope: 0F
Wave duty: 25%
[Everything else default. no tables.]

The phrase above sounds exactly the same as if I were to include the 00 instrument indicator on the D5.

NC in the US of America

So you're saying that, when the D5 comes in, the note starts back at the lower volume and starts rising again, instead of it continuing on from the higher volume that the previous note was fading to?

How odd. From my experience, it should sound like an abrupt volume jump up from the previous note when the D5 triggers, not a jump down-to-fade-up.


Yeah, I have a feeling my LSDJ needs to be updated.

NC in the US of America

Yeah. It might. I'm using 4.6.2 stable

3.9 seems a loooong way away from that.


So I just tested out that phrase and it doesn't repeat the envelope for me. It does the normall 0F fade up until it's interrupted by the D5, which plays at its normal envelope in the instrument screen (which I left as a default A8). Don't know if that's what you want or not though.


It doesn't seem like you did exactly as I had it set up. I didn't use any E commands in the phrase screen, I just set the envelope in the instrument screen to 0F (like my post suggests). However, I just tried using the E0F command, and the D5 actually repeats whatever the E command is set to rather than reverting to what the instrument is set to, like your experiment suggests.

Would you be able to try the experiment the way I had it set up? What version of LSDJ do you have?


My bad, I went back and changed it so the instrument was 0F and got rid of the E command. It gives me the same result however as when I first tested it. When I assigned the instrument number back onto the D5, it gave me the playback you described and repeated the envelope. The only way I could think to get around this would be using the E command on each note change so it actually sounds like a smooth fade rather than the harsh jump I'm getting.


And what version of LSDJ do you have?


It's my versions. It looks like my 3.9.9 is just one update before this was added in:

2009-07-14: v3.9.a

* bugfix: instr copy/paste works again (broke in 3.9.3)
* make it possible to change pitch of pu1/2 sounds without
   retrigging, by omitting instrument number.


  C-3 I03
  G-3 I--


Wow maybe I should update.


can't you use the pitch bend command with the fastest speed


Are you talking about L or P? L doesn't work, just tried it, it still retriggers the envelope. And there's no easy way to control P to hit exact specific notes, especially if you want to do it fast, and without tables.