
i got into chiptuning recently in the pursuit of creating bite size melodies. it seems backwards to me to compose anything over a minute or two in programs like milkytracker; most compositions that i have heard succeed most with a quick burst of melody and a basic drum pattern, and maybe even a funky bass line.

i think the bite size mentality also entails minimal instrumentation and effects. simple and easily digestible are the key concepts. any takers or recommendations?

this is something i pieced together this morning, i'm interested in your thoughts and your tunes

much love


you can actually go really far with a minute of audio. don't restrict yourself to the same looping melody.

Rochester, NY

I want to write shorter songs but they always come out to 3~ minutes or more

Want to write a jamming two minute jam like Lightning is Badass or something, that would be cool

... how short are we talking?

Westfield, NJ


sub one minute even? i'm not sure how much space or time it takes different people to be coherent. whatever works for you, i suppose. i think it's the ideas of simplicity behind the push for a short length that are most important.

i fear i've missed the ball with this one, it's too muddy

Last edited by labrie (Jul 16, 2012 7:53 pm)

Brunswick, GA USA

Ant1 has ten song albums that are 15 minute listens, doesn't get any shorter than that...


there's this: … g-meltdown
Thunder Face/Optimus Chad split

and then there's this too: … -thrashes/

both are worth the time to check out, imho

chunter wrote:

Ant1 has ten song albums that are 15 minute listens, doesn't get any shorter than that...

I second the ant1 recommendation. I want to do an ant1 tribute album at some point. give myself like three hours to write it


respek to theghostservant, the thunder face recommendation is appreciated. anything with fewer "post-hardcore punk rock" tags and slightly more consonance is also welcome. maybe something with more of an old school sound?


or perhaps, less "splinter is a nanopooper" and more punch out


hrm i thought this was about filesize until i read it

but yes i am a real fan of the shorter songs but people don't seem to give them as much respect as a 5 minute song... and most peoples 5 minute songs only have about 30 seconds of musical idea in them anyway!

there are loads and loads of really short little module files if you look around at modland (i know looking for good music at modland can feel like looking for a needly in a haystack sometimes though) for example (modarchive has a minimum length requirement) and they will have more of an Old School Sound and won't be post hardcore punk rock

ant1 wrote:

...and most peoples 5 minute songs only have about 30 seconds of musical idea in them anyway!

ant1 himself. it's a pleasure.

couldn't agree more

Chicago IL

most of my tracks are like 3-6 mini songs in the same key

Gosford, Australia

i listen to a lot of pop punk so most of my songs barely make 2 minutes now. i feel like shorter songs lend themselves to higher replay value, if that makes sense?


Most of my favourite Radix songs are 1 - 2 minutes long. Here you go.

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Also whilst not directly related, a lot of good VGM is just loops of short songs.

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Boston, MA

I think length is entirely dependent upon the musical material, to be honest. If you have a theme that keeps developing and developing, hell, let it develop as much as you want it to. If it's not developing much but the instrumentation is keeping things interesting, just cut it short if it gets repetitive--if not, let it grow. Length should be a byproduct of musical fluidity and arrangement, not the other way around.