Gosford, Australia
Flat_Mango wrote:

All the Audio engineers at my Uni, including the teachers enjoy the DT770 for closed-backed headphones.

If your mastering though as opposed to tracking, Go for open cans. Sennhiesers have got some great open-backed headphones.

Agreed! HD650's are absolutely unreal. Even the lower-end open-backs that they make are really great. People complain about sennie's lacking bass but they're definitely the most well-balanced headphones for casual mixing and listening. AKGs and ATs sound shit-hot but I feel like they paint a deceptively warm picture of bland sources. Just my opinion, though.

I got told by the teachers and audio engies that it is not worth spending more than $300 on headphones.

I dunno about this, though. Sounds like something someone who's never spent more than $300 on headphones would say.
I got Alessandro MS-Pro's 18 months ago and they're just amazing, they bring the best (and worst!) of any source material and have a really fierce and dynamic low-mid sound. Almost the same kind of god-tier beautiful as Grado RS-1's imo, even without a headphone amp.

Hah, I guess I'm a Grado & Sennheiser fan too.

Last edited by Victory Road (Jul 19, 2012 1:14 pm)

The Bronx

I've been using Sennheiser HD 25-1 II for the past 5 years; anything I've written since 2007 were done on them. I love them.

I'm going to get a pair of Amperiors when these die.

Madison, Alabama

I wasn't even in the market for new headphones but all this geeking-out has made me want a new pair of cans.

Austin, Texas

Me too, dude.

Especially some that won't wake up my roommate. sad

Harrisonburg, Virginia

Darn you non-glasses wearers... I can't use actual headphones since they all cause headaches with glasses frames being mashed into the side of my head. Skullcandy, wooooooo! :')

Madison, Alabama
Russellian wrote:

Darn you non-glasses wearers... I can't use actual headphones since they all cause headaches with glasses frames being mashed into the side of my head. Skullcandy, wooooooo! :')

I wear glasses and don't have a problem.  Maybe you need poofier pads.

NC in the US of America
roboctopus wrote:
Russellian wrote:

Darn you non-glasses wearers... I can't use actual headphones since they all cause headaches with glasses frames being mashed into the side of my head. Skullcandy, wooooooo! :')

I wear glasses and don't have a problem.  Maybe you need poofier pads.

Harrisonburg, Virginia

True... Or maybe less tight band thingies? My Sennheiser HD 280 pros are really poofy, but the band on the top is really tense, so I get a headache wearing it within half an hour. My gaming headset has less poof and much less tension. Any suggestion for poofy and/or less tight headphones?