Well, I have a tendency to update my threads if nobody responds and I find the answers I need just in case somebody else stumbles upon this thread with the same question.
If you are looking to use a C64 as a synthesizer rather than a dedicated workstation like myself you will need 3 main things:
1. A Commodore 64
-There are two main versions that use different SID chips. The 6581 which runs off a 12v supply in the original C64 'breadbox' designs and the 8580 which runs off a 9v supply and found in the C64c redesign. The sound chips are said to sound warmer/crisper respectively; which is not the same as better or worse, just different.
2. A midi interface
-There are various places that use to sell dedicated C64 midi interfaces, but it seems like the shops have dried out. A good alternative I found is one that uses arduino found at this site:
http://little-scale.blogspot.com/2010/0 … rface.html
Seems relatively simple, but i'm in the process of building an arduinoboy so I know this stuff is easier said than done!
3. A means of transferring files between the C64 and your Computer
-There are a few ways in which this can be done. The most convenient of which are really expensive or impossible to find. The most cost effective route is to buy a C64 floppy drive and to splice your own cord. Note: A normal floppy drive will not work. Also, I posted the link to make the cord in the post above so I won't repeat it here.
-Link regarding the other transfer methods: http://www.c64.com/faq.php#2.6
Overall, this is a lot cheaper than buying a MSSIAH cart, but again, buying a MSSIAH cart is much more practical if you want to use your C64 as a dedicated workstation.
To answer my above questions:
The C64 has an TV analog out, so it would be harder to connect it to a monitor (you have to buy an adapter which is pretty cheap) or you can connect it straight into a TV.
The mouse would be useful for a lot of programs (mainly MSSIAH cart), but you can buy an adapter online.
Adapter Info: http://sensi.org/~svo/[m]ouse/
Note: at the time of writing this adapters cost about ~$30
Last edited by Slumpy (May 31, 2012 4:48 am)