Grymmtymm wrote:
bryface wrote:
you've got some listening to do.

that link doesnt work

remove the period from the end.

Kris k wrote:
Grymmtymm wrote:

that link doesnt work

remove the period from the end

nope nuthi gk happned?

Je Mappelle wrote:
Kris k wrote:

remove the period from the end

nope nuthi gk happned? works for me.

Je Mappelle wrote:
Kris k wrote:

remove the period from the end

nope nuthi gk happned? works for me.

KC … -new-track

Philly, PA, USA

Yeah so uh. This thread has gotten even more ridiculous and I'm shocked it hasn't been closed already.

But dude, ok ready. I'm gonna break it down real easy because I'm well rested and not quite so mad now.

You came, complained about lack of melodies in music (with ponies). Some suggestions were made, instead of saying "oh I don't enjoy this, thank you," you said it was amateurish, as well as complaining that it sounded too chippy (on a chipmusic site)(with ponies).

You also said you don't like unce unce, but you said you really like sabrepulse, which many would say is the epitome of unce. You also complained about a lack of usage of other chip instruments, but didn't bother to even look for music with any other instruments.

Then you proceeded to tear down LSDJ simply because it is used to much. Whereupon angry fanboys jumped down your throat.

Literally at no point have you actually tried to help anyone giving you suggestions, and then when someone actually makes a remark that "oh he just wanted synthpop" you defensively reply "what's wrong with synthpop????"

Dear god, nothing is wrong with synth pop but seriously just chill your condescending attitude.

Check out the shortsleeves, they're chill and cute, and shoegazey and synthpoppy.

But really, just chill your unbelievable attitude, or this will be the last well reasoned, potentially helpful post I make.

Last edited by pixls (Aug 1, 2012 2:52 pm)

Forest Maze
Lazare wrote:

I fail to see what you even contribute to this community.

Your music is sub-par, and you act like a child.

You'd probably like this song

Last edited by NUCLACE (Aug 1, 2012 3:01 pm)

pixls wrote:

Dude, are you for fucking real with this? I literally cannot believe this.

Like you come onto a chipmusic forum and post about how you don't want to hear chip sounds? Like do you understand what this is?
I mean I haven't been listening to too much chip music lately but that's not what I post about here.
I'm not gonna defend chip music because that's just dumb, but like literally this is hilarious

And for real with the fucking ponies?
I'm guessing this is a silly troll
but god you are annoying.

Also just extra lol at specifically asking for "melody driven chip" and then being condescending when someone gives you exactly that.

pixls wrote:

But really, just chill your unbelievable attitude, or this will be the last well reasoned, potentially helpful post I make.


If you want melodic chip music, you can't really go wrong with the classic c64 composers like Galway, Tel, or the Follin Bros. (especially Tim.) Some Matt Gray stuff too. I'd recommend the Dominator music. You can have a shitload of fun just browsing the classic c64 stuff on youtube.

Modern chip that's more melody driven, I personally really like Talk to Animals (Which is a hybrid of very rhythmic stuff with an overall melody and structure. Check out the song "Wolves.") and J Arthur Keenes band, Anamanaguchi etc.

Shameless self promotion. A few of my songs up here are more melody driven. Check out Our New Robot Brains (the first one, not part 2) or Atari Combat Rock. Granted, they're simple Ramones influenced 3 chord melodies, and they use Atari 2600 sounds more than Nintendo, but they're more oriented towards melody than beats like some of my other stuff. My stuff is somewhat simple and abrasive though, so I won't be offended if you hate it.

Last edited by NationalBroadcastNetwork (Aug 1, 2012 3:48 pm)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

frostlad, you are a good kid but there is literally 10 years of lsdj sound design before trey frey

I didn't want to say it... haha

Haahaha, alright, maybe I did take it a little far there. But you gotta admit, he makes crazy sounds I haven't heard in any other chip.

Anyway, sorry this thread went so bad for you. But like, if you don't like something, just say "that wasn't really what I was looking for, but thanks". That's all dude, just chill out a bit.

Also finding new music all by yourself without suggestions is a really liberating feeling. Go browse bandcamp and whatever. I'd say 8bc but...yeah.

NUCLACE wrote:

what the hell is that thing?

NC in the US of America
AndrewKilpatrick wrote:

Trey Frey is a dickhead. This Lazare is clearly a dickhead. SketchMan3 is so much of a dickhead he makes my balls ache.

sad I didn't even insult anybody or anything. ='(

OP, you said you didn't like LSDJ or unce, but this is pretty melodic. Maybe you could give it a shot? It certainly satisfies my melodic desires. … -this-song

Also, check out the soundtracks to "Seiklus" and "Lyle In Cube Sector". Those are very retro and quite melodic, and weren't made specifically for the games so technically not video game music?

Last edited by SketchMan3 (Aug 1, 2012 3:37 pm)

Chicago IL, USA

that is the most depressing hedgehog ever. I'm sad now sad

Brunswick, GA USA
mysterystain wrote:

Lazare seems to have that effect on people.

See: every thread he posts in

I thought this was the first.

It bothers me that there aren't more fans (or people who listen) on this board but  I've since visited boards where there are more fans than artists and the troll rate is about the same.

I don't  know how this turned into less than two suggestions per 11 pages but most of what I'd suggest has been mentioned. I suggest the modules of Mick Rippon without a link so that you'll have to google for them.

When I want to hear synthpop, I turn on the 80s on 8 channel in my car and may have to wait 10 minutes for a new wave or corporate metal hit to end first.

Are we up to 12 pages while I write? If you can read this, the thread is still open. wink

The Bronx

The Bronx

"sylcmyk's theme" by sylcmyk