Edit: Boaconstructor should do a Baconconstructor ep soon. And I like his drink idea. Also his music punched me in the face.
I've been trying to force him to do it for a long time now hahaha
And thanks dot.ay!
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Edit: Boaconstructor should do a Baconconstructor ep soon. And I like his drink idea. Also his music punched me in the face.
I've been trying to force him to do it for a long time now hahaha
And thanks dot.ay!
but here
have a unicorn
I like that this is obviously a stallion unicorn.
Bitches love unicorns, so I'm happy.
Bitches love unicorns, so I'm happy.
Auxcide is bitches! I mean... I'd hit that, for sure!
Juice Pouch is cool. Met him(/her?) during Frostbyte-o-ganza.
Auxcide is a real sweetheart. (I'm a him)
xyno is a lot like xylo.
JuicePouch is a pretty rad name