
I recently had put some games of my page 2 of my card but after I opened LSDJ again I noticed that the song I have left open (was a small test so no loss) and when I tested if it where the games and not an error or something it happened again. Is there a way to not let that happen? If not, what are safe for page 2 games/programs?

NC in the US of America

Anything that doesn't use SRAM. MuddyGB, Tetris...

Sydney, NSW

There's only one "save" you can have at once - either LSDJ or something else. You can't have both.


Alright, I taught that page 1 and page 2 had separate saves. (Apparently now all the save is recovered for some reason, weird.) But how can I tell if a program or games uses Sram, or do I have to find that out with just trying?

Sydney, NSW

If it has a saving function, then it uses SRAM.