

I was wondering if it is possible to buy batteries contacts AA to replace the ones that comes in the DMG battery compartment when there is corrosion?

Is it possible to buy batteries contacts AA that fit a backhousing of a DMG?



Have you tried cleaning the contacts? Internetz says that baking soda will get rid of the corrosion.

nitro2k01 wrote:

Have you tried cleaning the contacts? Internetz says that baking soda will get rid of the corrosion.

Sure, well I know that is an option but I am kind of picky therefore I always prefer to have everything as new as possible. I want to replace the contacts if that is an option.

Does kitsch sell his gameboy cases with battery contacts included?


matt's mind
Retrogamer09 wrote:

Does kitsch sell his gameboy cases with battery contacts included?

i will be but not yet

kitsch wrote:
Retrogamer09 wrote:

Does kitsch sell his gameboy cases with battery contacts included?

I will be but not yet

Ok, thanks!

I do not know if I can ask this here but, Does someone have batteries contacts that would be willing to sell, I need the 3 of them that belong to the backhousing of the DMG, and of course I need them to be perfect meaning that they were never corroded.

Please let me know!

Austin, Texas
Retrogamer09 wrote:

I do not know if I can ask this here but, Does someone have batteries contacts that would be willing to sell…

Check in The Trading Post, my friend.