Freiburg, Germany

Hi guys,

I'd like to install a DPDT switch somewhere, ideally on the right side above the volume pot or on the top opposite the power switch and I don't know how much space I have there / how small the switch would have to be.

Is there some kind of blue print / technical drawing of the DMG or some detailed photos of the inside with a size reference? Or can somebody who happens to have one open tell me the amount of space for a switch in those locations?

I can't open my DMG yet because my tri-wing is part of the order from kitsch which will take some time to get overseas and the next store selling electronics parts is an inconvenient distance away from this place, but I will be near it tomorrow and would like to buy parts ahead of time so I can start modding when the tri-wing arrives.

Thanks in advance

Chicago … -question/

Just follow this thread, install the dpdt switch where the RCA jacks are shown there is more then enough room once PCB alterations are made.
Good luck