
so in PETSCII art software for c64 i am using the  uIEC/SD card reader to load software and am having problems saving.
F3 is save to device 8 but device 8 is the floppy drive and i need to save it to device 10 which is the sd card reader.
is there anyway to change the default save device from 8 to 10? i really want to make a PETSCII art demo already pls help!?

New York City

Read your device's docs. You can change it by means of a BASIC command:

At least for SD2IEC, it's:
OPEN1,current address,15,"U0>"+CHR$(new address):CLOSE1 <- change sd2iec device number to new address
OPEN1,device address,15,"XW":close1 <- this will save settings to eeprom (required if you want to set new device address as default)

But disconnect the floppy drive, or you will have a conflict.
Also some software isn't compatible with these devices, you may no be able to save anyway if that is the case.


so can i just change the SD2IEC's number to the default save device of the software im using in this case for the art software PETSCII
it would be device 8? im trying this out ! i think you have solved problem .


gave me a syntax error hmm

New York City

Maybe your firmware is different.

Try this:
OPEN 15,CD,15,"U0>"+CHR$(ND):CLOSE15 (where CD = current device number and ND = new device number, 08 in your case). To make it permanent (as in "survives a power-cycle"), send the command "XW"

It's basically the same but it opens 15 instead of 1, which does seem odd on the first example but SHOULDN'T give a syntax error.

As i said, read the docs:

Last edited by akira^8GB (Nov 9, 2012 11:11 am)