So I've recently followed a tutorial in order to prosound my dmg-01.
I understand that by doing so I am now bypassing the headphone amp, thus resulting in a lower volume if I use headphones in my new jack.
If hooking it up through my stereo or other means, I can crank it, and/or record it out to my computer for further workings.
After I finished the mod, I used my headphones (out of convenience) just to test if it was working at all. It is, but I am just a little puzzled on one thing.
The left speaker, channel, or what ever you may call it is significantly louder than the right. I shouldn't complain until I truly test it but does this seem like another issue that I'm having? Shouldn't the headphones at least have a even balance of volume? or could it be that the lack of the headphone amp is causing the unbalance to be there?